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Presentation on theme: "Consider the ELECTRONEGATIVITY of"— Presentation transcript:

metal atoms vs non-metal atoms

2 Ionic Bond 2 step process: # electrons lost by cation(s) MUST =
occurs between: metal & non-metal atoms 2 step process: 1st step: formation of +/- ions transfer of electrons from metal to non-metal atoms 2nd step: formation of ionic bond electrostatic attraction between +/- ions forms bond # electrons lost by cation(s) MUST = # electrons gained by anion(s)

3 group 1 elements are most reactive metals so what group _
group 1 elements are most reactive metals so what group _?_ of non-metals will easily take the 1 val e- electron from these alkali metals ? how about the group with 7 val e- since they need one more e-? group 1 metals readily react with group 17 non-metals!

4 Na metal (g)


6 Consider the ELECTRONEGATIVITY of non-metal atoms

7 Covalent Bonding results from: electrostatic attraction between
(+) charged protons in nucleus one non-metal atom AND (-) charged e- of neighbor non-metal atom

8 covalent bond is formed between 2 non-metals if:
attractions are > than repulsions

9 since there is not a large difference in electronegativity difference between non-metal atoms:
electrons are SHARED, not transferred

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