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Differences between the American and German school system

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1 Differences between the American and German school system

2 Task based learning The students from the 9th grade are going to find out information about the American school system and also learn to compare it with the German school system. Students will work on the internet and put their information on a poster which they have to present at the end.

3 Introduction The teacher shows a video of a typical American school to introduce the new topic.


5 Task 1: Brainstorming The teacher collects ideas for the new topic and also shares knowledge.

6 Example Germany USA A lesson lasts 45 minutes.
The pupils have different subjects every day. A lesson lasts 60 minutes. The pupils have the same subjects every day.

7 Task 2: Allocation of pupils to certain topics
The teacher puts the students in groups of five and gives each group a special topic. Group 1: Differences between American and German school system Group 2: Differences between the American and German timetable/vacation Group 3: Differences between the American and German school activities Sports Clubs Social events

8 Teacher gives each group links of useful web sites which the students have to work with.
After students got time to go through these web sites teacher asks for unknown vocabulary.

9 Task 3: Group work/ Research on the internet
Students have to find essential information from the given web sites afterwards research on the internet for further information which are also important for their topic.

10 Task 4: Creating posters
After students researched on the internet each group has to create a poster with all the essential information on it and put it on the wall.

11 Task 5: Presentation Each group of students has to present their poster to the rest of the class.

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