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“I share the view that culture is not only a source of employment and revenue, but also the basic element of our social fabric and the strength of our.

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Presentation on theme: "“I share the view that culture is not only a source of employment and revenue, but also the basic element of our social fabric and the strength of our."— Presentation transcript:


2 “I share the view that culture is not only a source of employment and revenue, but also the basic element of our social fabric and the strength of our democratic institutions. Culture is a determining factor for the development of human potential, equality and understanding between our peoples.” José Miguel Insulza OAS Secretary General “Culture encompasses many aspects of human, social, and economic development. It is essential for integral development, even beyond its economic, quantifiable dimensions.” Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin OAS Assistant Secretary General

3 Table of Contents Introduction
Culture in the Americas Culture and the OAS Culture = Development Meetings of Ministers of Culture Section 1: The Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) Creation of the CIC Mandate of the CIC CIC Authorities Activities of the CIC Section 2: CIC Plan of Action Building Institutional Capacity Social Inclusion and Youth Engagement Section 3: The Way Forward Partnerships V Summit of the Americas

4 Culture in the Americas is…
Diverse Defining communities Inclusive Individual Dança At Street-level Employment Arts visuels Música Collective Artisanat traditionnel Prosperity Identity Litérature Filme Pontos en commun Engaging Tecnología Tourismo Expression

5 Culture and the OAS CULTURE

6 Culture = Development Generator employment and economic growth
7% of global GDP Source of identity and social inclusion Role in addressing inequalities and combating exclusion

7 Meetings of the Ministers of Culture
Colombia – 2002 Mexico – 2004 Canada – 2006

8 Inter-American Committee on Culture

9 Creation of the CIC Established in 2003
Membership: Ministries of Culture or equivalent Permanent body ensures communication between cultural authorities

10 Mandate of the CIC Coordinate implementation of inter-American dialogue and cooperation on culture Ensure follow-up to priorities of Summits of the Americas and Meetings of Ministers of Culture

11 CIC Authorities Chair: Canada
( ) Chair: Canada Vice-Chairs: Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, United States of America

12 Activities of the CIC Economic Growth Social Inclusion
Youth Engagement

13 Culture and the OAS CULTURE

14 CIC Plan of Action

15 CIC Plan of Action 2007-2009 Building Institutional Capacity
A strategic framework for Enhanced Cultural Cooperation in the Americas Building Institutional Capacity Creating wealth Promoting development Addressing inequality

16 CIC Plan of Action 2007-2009 Promoting Social Inclusion Engaging youth
Combating exclusion and violence Promoting democratic participation Encouraging cultural identity, diversity, and dignity

17 The Way Forward

18 The Way Forward Implement Plan of Action
Fourth Meeting of Ministers of Culture (2008) Securing our Future Through Culture

19 Partnerships Regional Organizations International Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations Private Sector

20 V Summit of the Americas
Social Inclusion and Cohesion Human Security Realisable Goals


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