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Synthesis and Connections: Directions in the Intellectual Development of HARC Maribeth Murray, UAF, Henry Huntington, Huntington Consulting, Craig Nicholson,UM,

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Presentation on theme: "Synthesis and Connections: Directions in the Intellectual Development of HARC Maribeth Murray, UAF, Henry Huntington, Huntington Consulting, Craig Nicholson,UM,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthesis and Connections: Directions in the Intellectual Development of HARC Maribeth Murray, UAF, Henry Huntington, Huntington Consulting, Craig Nicholson,UM, Dan Ferguson, ARCUS J. Benjamin Fitzhugh, UW Bruce Forbes, UL S. Craig Gerlach, UAF Lawrence Hamilton, UNH, Barbara Moorehouse, IPE, UA Astrid Ogilvie, INSTAR, and Alexey Voinov, UV

2 Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC) Arctic System Science Program (ARCSS) HARC prospectus

3 Examples of HARC Research Interactions of environmental and social change Transitions in fishing and farming economies Perceptions of hazard and risk associated with environmental change

4 HARC Research Focus Changes in human-environment relationships Change through interaction rather than change in a single component

5 HARC Products HARC synthesis paper Dedicated issue of Arctic 2004 Science workshop – Patterns, Connections, and Methods in Human/Environment Interactions Research

6 Human Dimensions Research

7 HARC Goals Expand the network of HD researchers Strengthen societal relevance of ARCSS research Advance the intellectual basis of HARC science Engage the arctic HD community in the broader ARCSS synthesis efforts Integrate the HD community into ARCSS

8 Main Tasks for HARC Continuing to build the HARC communitys research capacity Coordinating HARC synthesis and publications Refining and communicating the HARC research visions to a broad constituency Active involvement in ARCSS Program planning and development

9 HARC Core Office Structure Maribeth Murray, Director, HARC Core Office, UAF Center for Global Change Steering Committee

10 Planned Activities 21-23 June 2005 Human Security and Climate Change – International Workshop October 2005 IHDP Open Meeting on the HD of Global Environmental Change 2006 American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting HARC workshops

11 Tangible Products Publications forthcoming –HARC brochure –Dedicated issue of Arctic –Forthcoming synthesis paper Planned publications under the new core office –IHDP symposium papers –AAAS symposium papers –Synthesis papers –Public communications –Expanded web presence

12 Synthesis Paper Human agency and climate change Looking beyond CO 2 as a driver Human potential for amplification of impacts and effects Quantitative study of human influences

13 HARC Long Term Goals Integrate HARC research into the Arctic System Science plan and research agenda HD research becomes a fundamental component of the Arctic System Science program

14 Acknowledgments 100+ Participants in the 2004 HARC Science Workshops, Seattle Participants in the 2004 ARCSS Synthesis Retreat and especially: Michelle Boyle, Jonathan Overpeck, Rommel Zulueta, Gwenn Flowers, John Weatherly, Larry Hinzman, Andrea Lloyd, and Clara Deser National Science Foundation ARCSS Steering Committee ARCUS UAF Center for Global Change

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