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Title Author Name Affiliation

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Presentation on theme: "Title Author Name Affiliation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Author Name Affiliation

2 Title should be bold and a minimum of 48 font
Author1, Author2, Author3 Affiliation, City, State, Country 1 Affiliation, City, State, Country 2 Affiliation, City, State, Country 3 Introduction Your introduction or background information should contain 3-5 short sentences outlining information necessary to understand the study and why it was done. Methods The aim of the study, the questions to be asked or the hypothesis to be tested should be clearly stated in as few words as possible. Outline your methods briefly. Provide details only for new methods or important modifications of older ones. Results or Outcomes The conclusion(s) should be succinctly stated in large type. Many viewers read this first, so it should be easy to understand. Acknowledgements or Contact Acknowledgements should be limited to granting agencies for the abstract. References Pertinent references should only be considered for the abstract and may be presented in a smaller font. Disclosure Include any disclosures in this area. Conclusion The conclusion(s) should be succinctly stated in large type. Many viewers read this first, so it should be easy to understand. Significance Other significant information should be included here The slide poster size is 33.8” x 19” (aspect ratio is 16:9). Slide one should be the Title, author and affiliation. Slide two should be the content. No more than two slides per poster. Layout should be landscape orientation. Please do not include video, sound or hyperlinks.

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