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The expression pattern of marker proteins for sensory neuron subgroups changes during postnatal maturation. The expression pattern of marker proteins for.

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1 The expression pattern of marker proteins for sensory neuron subgroups changes during postnatal maturation. The expression pattern of marker proteins for sensory neuron subgroups changes during postnatal maturation. (A) Representative HCS microscopy images of cultured UCHL1-positive sensory neurons isolated from adult rats at 6 weeks of age (W6 group) and labeled with antibodies specific for the classical nociceptive markers TRPV1 and Nav1.8, the two kinase isoforms PKA-RIIβ (RIIβ) and CaMKIIα, and NF200 as a marker for the mostly non-nociceptive myelinated mechanoreceptive neurons and proprioceptors. Green- or red-encircled neurons indicate automatically selected or rejected objects, respectively. Scale bar: 100 µm. (B) Distribution of marker intensities in sensory neurons of newborn rats (P0), and rats that were 10 days (P10), 6 weeks (W6), 12 months (M12) and 24 months (M24) old (see also Fig. S1). Single-cell-based intensity values (arbitrary units) of each replicate experiment were normalized to the adult group (W6) measured as an internal reference. Each plot shows data for >104 neurons from 4–8 replicate experiments. PDE, probability density estimate. Joerg Isensee et al. J Cell Sci 2017;130: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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