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6X Wednesday Europe Before Transatlantic Travel

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Presentation on theme: "6X Wednesday Europe Before Transatlantic Travel"— Presentation transcript:

1 6X 2017-10-04 Wednesday Europe Before Transatlantic Travel
Objective: Describe the social, political, and intellectual developments in Europe before contact with the Americas. Agenda: Do Now: Finish Chapter 1.4 Key terms and people Chapter 1.4 Notes and discussion Homework: page 27 #1A and 1B (5 sentences each)

2 Class Notes – As you read with your groups, copy and complete the table below into your notes. You will have a quiz on Monday about what you learned, so take good notes! Period of Time Major Changes Ancient Greece Roman Republic Middle Ages Renaissance Group 1: Dominic F, Zach, Joanna, Hannah Group 2: Dominic G, Alex, Anna, Maddie Group 3: Myla, Sam, Raegan, Patrick Group 4: Max, Elizabeth, Rome, Andrew Please stay inside the classroom, but you can spread out. You may begin group work as soon as you are done with the do now.

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