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Section 1 Nixon Administration Domestic Policies

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1 Section 1 Nixon Administration Domestic Policies
Chapter 24 Section 1 Nixon Administration Domestic Policies

2 New Conservatism New Federalism – plan to distribute a portion of federal power to state and local governments Revenue sharing – state and local govt’s could spend their federal dollars however they saw fit within certain limitations 1972 State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act Welfare reform 1969 Family Assistance Plan – guarantee income to welfare recipients who agreed to undergo job training and accept work Bill defeated by Senate

3 New Federalism Wears Two Faces
Increased spending on- Social Security Medicare Medicaid Decrease/Dismantle- Job Corps Housing and Urban Development Office of Economic Opportunity impoundment – ruled unconstitutional

4 Law and Order Politics 2 promises End Vietnam War
Mend the divisiveness within America “silent majority”- middle class who wanted order restored to a nation full of urban riots and antiwar demonstrations FBI wiretaps CIA IRS Compiled an “enemies list”

5 Southern Strategy Tried to attract Southern conservative democrats by appealing to their unhappiness with federal desegregation policies and liberal Supreme Court “middle course” Supreme Court orders Nixon to abide by Brown v. Board of Ed. Opposed extension of Voting Rights Act of 1965

6 Controversy Over Busing
1971 Swann v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg Board of Ed , Supreme Court rules that schools may bus students Nixon opposes integration through busing

7 A Stagnant Economy High inflation and high unemployment Why?
Vietnam War Great Society Increase international competition Flood of new workers Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – cut off supplies than raised prices due to Yom Kippur War

8 Battling Stagflation Raise taxes Cut budget Price and wages controls
All with no success

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