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Residual stress Suppose isotropic solid loaded in uniaxial tension

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1 Residual stress Suppose isotropic solid loaded in uniaxial tension
Can measure change in interplanar spacing for planes reflecting as above d = (d - do)/ do  = (1/E) ( - ( + ))  = - (1/E)   

2 Residual stress Suppose isotropic solid loaded in uniaxial tension
 Comments Can vary with crystallographic direction: E,  Mat'l can be anisotropic But, if no preferred orientation, usually doesn't matter Biaxial & triaxial stress states

3 Residual stress Measurement procedure - classical technique - sin2 
Stress state resolved differently along different directions in sample, so peak shifts change w/ direction

4 Residual stress Measurement procedure - classical technique - sin2 
L1 x3 x2 L2 L3  x1

5 Residual stress Measurement procedure - classical technique - sin2 
L1 x3 x2 L2 L3  x1  

6 Residual stress Measurement procedure - classical technique - sin2 
L1 x3 x2 L2 L3  x1  

7  =  (1 + )/E sin2  /E)( + 
Residual stress Measurement procedure - classical technique - sin2  slope  =  (1 + )/E sin2  /E)( +   sin2 

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