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Wartime Advantages NORTH SOUTH Population Industrialization Navy

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Presentation on theme: "Wartime Advantages NORTH SOUTH Population Industrialization Navy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wartime Advantages NORTH SOUTH Population Industrialization Navy
Leadership Financial SOUTH Strong Military Tradition Defensive War Leaders

2 Disadvantages? North Reluctant army Conscription

3 Strategies North South Anaconda Plan
“Preserve the Union”…keeping border states in Union South Securing foreign aid/ recognition

4 Politics of War Andrew Johnson/ Election of 1864 Writ of Habeas Corpus
Emancipation Proclamation African American Troops? 13th Amendment Proposed (Jan. 1865)

5 Lincoln’s Assassination
April 14, 1865 (Good Friday) Play at Ford’s Theater John Wilkes Booth The Plan

6 The Assassination The shooting The jump “Sic Semper Tyrannus”
Booth killed Conspiracy?

7 Lasting Effects of the War
Social Noble Cause? Northern & Western Migration Photography Returning Soldiers

8 Lasting Effects of the War
Economics Industrial Boom Land Grant College Act Rebuilding?

9 Lasting Effects of the War
Political Established Federal Authority over States Interdependence Over Sectionalism Secession?

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