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Family Mealtimes Made Easy Simple Ways to Enjoy Eating and Talking TOGETHER.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Mealtimes Made Easy Simple Ways to Enjoy Eating and Talking TOGETHER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Family Mealtimes Made Easy Simple Ways to Enjoy Eating and Talking TOGETHER

3 "If I had to settle for one thing to tell families about preventing child overweight, helping children to eat a variety of food, and raising them to have positive eating attitudes and behaviors, I would say, have meals. Ellyn Satter, MS, RD, LCSW, author Your Childs Weight: Helping Without Harming

4 Family Mealtimes Making a commitment to enjoy eating together

5 More family mealtimes Add meals gradually Plan tasty menus Set an appealing table Minimize distractions Enjoy conversations

6 Add mealtimes gradually Experts suggest 5 or more family meals per week. How many family meals do you usually have now? How could you easily add one more family meal per week?

7 Plan simple, tasty menus Get kids involved in: Planning Shopping Preparing Cooking Enjoying

8 Set an appealing table Simple ways to set a mood: Colored napkins Bright tablecloth Kids artwork Flowers A candle

9 Minimize distractions Turn off the TV, iPods, radio, and cell-phones (except for emergencies). Turn on calm music. Enjoy each other.

10 Enjoy easy conversations Create a relaxed atmosphere. Involve every family member. Focus on togetherness. Use conversation cards.

11 Family Mealtimes Laughing Talking Listening Sharing Caring

12 Growing up it was always so much fun trying to help mom or grandma cook, then when it came time to eat you were proud of the fact that you helped make something that everyone could enjoy. Mealtime memory from teacher in Wyoming

13 For more information and recipes visit


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