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For this your house of prayer, O Lord

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1 For this your house of prayer, O Lord
Hymn 99 For this your house of prayer, O Lord

2 1 For this your house of prayer, O Lord, our grateful thanks we raise, secure upon your holy Word for worship, prayer, and praise.

3 2 O Jesus, source of every grace, the truth that makes men free, in you we see the Father’s face, and humbly bow the knee.

4 3 In worship here before your throne, rise thoughts and memories dear of those above, now claimed your own, passed onward year by year.

5 4 Rejoicing in their labours past, inspire us from on high to live for you, while life shall last: their work must never die.

6 5 Renew in us the gospel light of your New Church divine, that through your strength and through your might your glorious truth may shine.

7 Come, gentle Spirit, now, we pray, descend, O holy dove,
6 Come, gentle Spirit, now, we pray, descend, O holy dove, fill us with zeal on this glad day, bring peace from heaven above. Irvin Joseph Dalby

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