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Ch. 9 Vocabulary Words Social Studies: Building a New Nation

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1 Ch. 9 Vocabulary Words Social Studies: Building a New Nation

2 “Father of the Constitution,” helped write the Virginia Plan, President during the War of 1812

3 James Madison

4 Led an expedition from the Mississippi river to the Pacific coast

5 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

6 President during the “Era of Good Feeling”

7 James Monroe

8 Inventor of the cotton gin

9 Eli Whitney

10 Abolitionist who led a bloody rebellion against plantation owners

11 Nat Turner

12 Conductor of the Underground Railroad who led many enslaved people to freedom

13 Harriet Tubman

14 Person who led a raid at Harpers Ferry; he was captured and executed

15 John Brown

16 The place where John Brown’s raid took place

17 Harpers Ferry

18 A plan for the new government; it was replaced with the Constitution

19 Articles of Confederation

20 A proposal at the Constitutional Convention for the legislature based on the population of a state

21 Virginia Plan

22 The first ten amendments to the US Constitution

23 Bill of Rights

24 A document written by Jefferson that states people have the right to worship any way they choose; became the idea for the First Amendment

25 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

26 The territory west of the Mississippi River bought from France.

27 Louisiana Purchase

28 War fought with the British: neither side won the war

29 War of 1812

30 Name of the peaceful time period when Monroe was president

31 Era of Good Feeling

32 A document that warned other countries not to interfere with the Americas

33 Monroe Doctrine

34 The name of the secret escape routes that led enslaved people to freedom

35 Underground Railroad

36 A person who tries to end slavery

37 Abolitionist

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