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IEEE 802.22 July Plenary Working Group Motions
Apurva N. Mody Chair, IEEE Working Group
Conditional Approval to forward 802.22 Draft 8 to RevCom
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P802. 22 Revision Draft 8
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P Revision Draft 8.0 to RevCom Item 1: Re-circulation LB #1 on IEEE P Revision Draft D7.0 closed on July 5th 2019 Item 2: Vote tally SB #1 (Draft D6.0) SB Re-circ #1 (Draft D7.0) SB Re-circ #2 (Draft D8.0) Req % # % Status Abstain 4 6 - N/A Disapprove with comments 3 Disapprove w/o comment Approve 54 94 PASS 59 100 ≥ 75 Ballots returned 61 83 63 86 ≥ 50 Voters 73 Comments 69 14 On-going Sponsor Ballot Re-circ #2 on Draft 8.0 is on-going. Current Approval Ratio stands at 100% with No New Disapprove Votes. Re-circ ends on July 21st.
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P802. 22 Revision Draft 8
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P Revision Draft 8.0 to RevCom Item 3: Clause 12 Conditions 14 comments received on Draft 7.0 Sponsor Ballot Re-circ. None of the Comments were ‘Must be Satisfied’. Hence No Disapprove Votes Received Conditions b) After resolution of the recirculation ballot is completed, the approval percentage is at least 75% and there are no new valid DISAPPROVE votes. CONDITION SATISFIED c) No technical changes, as determined by the WG Chair, were made as a result of the recirculation ballot. Technical changes were made to the Draft 7.0 in response to the 14 comments received, Draft 8.0 was issued and is going through Sponsor Ballot Re-circulation #2. d) No new valid DISAPPROVE comments on new issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the submitter from existing DISAPPROVE voters.
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P802. 22 Revision Draft 8
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P Revision Draft 8.0 to RevCom Item 4: IEEE Timelines: Actions Schedule Sponsor Ballot Pool formed. 72 people in the Pool. Pool is balanced Completed – Feb 12th 2019 P Revision Co-existence Assurance Document Approved April 15th 2019 P Revision Criteria for Standards Development Revised Sent the Draft to IEEE MEC. MEC Process Completed – April 15th 2019 Draft 5.0 – Re-circulation April 15th 2019 – April 29th 2019 Working Group approved forwarding P Draft 5.0 to Sponsor Ballot. April 27th 2019 Working Group confirmed the P CSD Working Group confirmed the P PAR May 6th 2019 EC Motion to start the Sponsor Ballot for IEEE P Revision Draft 5.0 and confirm the CSD May 7th 2019 Start the Sponsor Ballot Process May 20th 2019 Sponsor Ballot – Initial Ballot on Draft 6.0 May 10th 2019 – June 10th 2019 Sponsor Ballot – Re-circ #1 on Draft 7.0 Jun 25th 2019 – Jul 5th 2019 Sponsor Ballot - Re-circ #2 on Draft 8.0 Jul 11th 2019 – Jul 21st 2019 Comment Resolution if needed July 22nd 2019 at 10 am ET
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P802. 22 Revision Draft 8
Motion for Approval to Forward IEEE P Revision Draft 8.0 to RevCom Motion Text (include) Approve sending P Revision Draft 8.0 to RevCom Approve the CSD for P Revision in Move: Apurva N. Mody Second: Bob Heile Other Info P Draft 7.0 had 100% approval at the end of the last sponsor recirculation ballot. Received 14 Comments. Some were technical. Comments were addressed and resolved. Draft 8.0 was prepared and Sponsor Re-circ #2 started. In the WG, forwarding draft to RevCom (y/n/a): 5, 0, 1; CSD (y/n/a): 3, 0, 1. Background Applies to: A project that has passed sponsor ballot with at least 75% approval and has completed any necessary recirculation ballots. Rules Reference LMSC OM – “The IEEE 802 LMSC EC” Clause 12 Working Group P&P – Clause 7 Field Definitions P802.22™/D Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific requirements — Part 22: Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the Bands that Allow Spectrum Sharing where the Communications Devices may Opportunistically Operate in the Spectrum of the Primary Service : URL to a permanent unambiguous location of the document. Login: P802.22, Password: RANs4Reach
Approve Liaison of IEEE 802. 22 Revision Draft 8
Approve Liaison of IEEE Revision Draft 8.0 to SC6 for Information
Motion: Liaison of drafts under PSDO agreement
Motion Text (include) Approve Liaison of IEEE Revision Draft 8.0 to SC6 for Information Approve liaison of the following draft(s) to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for information under the PSDO agreement: P Draft 8.0 Move: Apurva N. Mody Second: Bob Heile Other Info In the WG: 5, 1, 1 Conditioned on passing the Sponsor Ballot Recirculation Background Applies to: A draft of a standard that has been balloted, and passed its last ballot with at least 75% approval When it is intended subsequently to use the PSDO process to approve the standard Rules Reference LMSC OM- “IEEE 802 LMSC communications with other standards bodies” Field Definitions P802.22™/D Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific requirements — Part 22: Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the Bands that Allow Spectrum Sharing where the Communications Devices may Opportunistically Operate in the Spectrum of the Primary Service : URL to a permanent unambiguous location of the document. Login: P802.22, Password: RANs4Reach
Approve submission of IEEE 802
Approve submission of IEEE Revision Project to ISO/IEC JTC/SC6 for adoption under the PSDO Agreement conditioned on approval by the IEEE SASB and conditioned on publication of the approved standard.
Motion: Adoption of standards under PSDO agreement
Motion Text (include) Approve submission of IEEE Revision Project to ISO/IEC JTC/SC6 for adoption under the PSDO Agreement Approve submission of the following project(s) to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for adoption under the PSDO agreement P Revision conditional on publication of approved standard Move: Apurva N. Mody Second: Bob Heile Other Info WG Motion: Approve/ Disapprove/ Abstain: 2/ 0/ 0 Background Applies to: A draft standard that has received [conditional] approval to proceed to RevCom, or A standard that has been approved by the IEEE-SA standards board Rules Reference LMSC OM - “IEEE 802 LMSC communications with other standards bodies” Field Definitions IEEE Std ™ Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific requirements — Part 22: Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the Bands that Allow Spectrum Sharing where the Communications Devices may Opportunistically Operate in the Spectrum of the Primary Service
Conditional Approval to hibernate the 802
Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision
802.22 Standards and Documents
Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision The final state of all documents necessary to satisfy the conditions for hibernation Standards and Documents Timelines IEEE Std – Standard to Enhance Harmful Interference Protection for Low Power Licensed Devices Operating in the TV Broadcast Bands Published in 2010 IEEE Std – Wireless Regional Area Networks Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the TV Bands Published in 2011 IEEE Std Recommended Practice for the Installation and Deployment of IEEE Systems Published in 2012 IEEE Std a Amendment 1: Management and Control Plane Interfaces and Procedures and Enhancement to the Management Information Base (MIB) Published in 2014 IEEE Std b Amendment 2: Enhancement for Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications Published in 2015 IEEE Std Revision - Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific requirements — Part 22: Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the Bands that Allow Spectrum Sharing where the Communications Devices may Opportunistically Operate in the Spectrum of the Primary Service Final stages of the Sponsor Ballot Process. IEEE P Transitioned to Working Group
Conditional Approval to hibernate the 802
Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision The confirmed list of expert volunteers Apurva N. Mody, Oliver Holland, Gerald Chouinard, Ranga Reddy, Ivan Reede, Anindya Saha, Hemant Mallapur, Monisha Ghosh, Gianfranco Miele, Roger Hislop, Sunghyun Hwang, Gwangzeen Ko, Chang-woo Pyo, Steve Shellhammer, Harry Bims, Shrinivas Bhat, Subrahmanya KS, Gururaj Padaki, Shigenobu Sasaki, Makarand Kulkarni, Rakesh Joshi, Chandrakant Kamath, Gurushankar A R, Manoj G., Vidyalakshmi M R.
Conditional Approval to hibernate the 802
Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision Statement of the hibernating chair. I, Apurva N. Mody am willing to serve as the Hibernating Chair.
Conditional Approval to hibernate the 802
Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision Motion Text (include) MOTION: Conditional Approval to hibernate the Working Group pending the Standards Board Approval of the Revision Move: Apurva N. Mody Second: Bob Heile Other Info Supporting information provided in this slide deck. Status of the documents, timelines, list of confirmed experts and Statement from the Chair WG Motion: Approve/ Disapprove/ Abstain: 6/ 0/ 1 Background None Rules Reference IEEE Working Group Policies and Procedures LMSC P&P Clause 5.2.1 Field Definitions A WG may be hibernated at the request of the WG Chair and the approval of the Sponsor. The hibernating WG may be returned to active status by the Sponsor in order for the WG to develop a new PAR. Hibernating WG Chairs become Non-Voting Members of the Sponsor after their WG enters hibernation. The Sponsor Chair may appoint new hibernating WG Chairs to replace vacancies as soon as practical, subject to confirmation by the Sponsor at the next plenary meeting. A hibernating WG Chair of the Sponsor shall be recognized as a full member of the Sponsor, having all rights and meeting privileges except the right of voting on Sponsor motions.
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