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Atoms Around Us Elements and Atoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Atoms Around Us Elements and Atoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atoms Around Us Elements and Atoms

2 Like Pieces of a Puzzle Amino Acids Proteins Molecules Elements

3 Atoms = Building Blocks

4 What is an Atom?

5 Looking at Ions

6 Ion Characteristics

7 Electrovalence

8 Charge It!

9 Covalent Bonds

10 Bonding Basics

11 Compound Basics

12 Different Bonds Abound

13 Acids and Bases Acid Base. Aqueous. Strong Acid Strong Base Weak Acid Weak Base Neutral

14 What Really Happens


16 Chemical Reaction a reaction happens when two or more molecules interact and something happens.

17 Single Reactions Sugars need to metabolize
Proteins need to move a certain way

18 Carbohydrates a.k.a sugars

19 1, 2, 3 One sugars = monosaccharide Two sugars = disaccharide
Three sugars = trisaccharide And so on…..

20 Simple Sugar

21 Polysaccardies

22 Sugar Primary Structure

23 Secondary Structure

24 Tertiary Structure

25 Quanternary Structure

26 Lipids Another type of carbon organic molecule. Fats = Lipids
Lipids make sterioids and waxes

27 Steriods = hormones

28 Five Easy Pieces – Nucleic Acids
Uracil, Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine, and Guanine

29 Just as there are twenty (20) amino acids needed by humans to survive, there are five (5) nucleotides. These nucleotides are made of three parts. 1. A five carbon sugar 2. A base that has a nitrogen (N) atom 3. An ion of phosphoric acid

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