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Justin Welby, Dethroning Mammon

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2 Justin Welby, Dethroning Mammon
… debt and desire for things enslaves people I know, and draws them into lives that are in the service of Mammon, a master they neither choose nor want, but who tricks them by playing on insecurities, on good intentions and on reasonable ambitions … It seems that in many eyes … personal finances that are in good shape … are not merely a means to improve people’s lives, but are seen as the goal in the pursuit of a good life. Justin Welby, Dethroning Mammon

3 https://graceoutreachcenter. files. wordpress

4 know your audience

5 do not worry

6 seek first

7 Martin Luther, Sermon on the Mount
Believing in Christ and practicing and applying the Gospel, to which faith clings … this involves growing and being strengthened at heart through preaching, listening, reading, singing, meditating and every other possible way. Martin Luther, Sermon on the Mount

8 seek first

9 worry as an idol

10 radical trust

11 a disciples

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