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Developmental Screening Learning Collaborative

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Screening Learning Collaborative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Screening Learning Collaborative
Thomas Patterson, MD, FAAP, FABP process refinement and implantation Kick off 3/1/18

2 I have no relevant disclosures to make other than I am addicted to QI

3 By incorporating developmental surveillance and screening into preventive health care visits, the pediatrician has the ideal opportunity to offer anticipatory guidance to the family about supporting their child's development and to facilitate early detection of a disorder1 1 American Academy of Pediatrics; Council on Children With Disabilities, Section on Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, Bright Futures Steering Committee and Medical Home Initiatives for Children With Special Needs Project Advisory Committee. Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders in the Medical Home: An Algorithm for Developmental Surveillance and Screening. Pediatrics. 2006;118(1):

4 Who are we?? 18 Clinics 44 Providers (and growing) 28 Pediatricians
9 Family Medicine 7 Advanced Care Practitioners

5 Strategies for the Office
Observe informally Brief questionnaire Standardized developmental screen

6 AAP Developmental Screening Algorithm


8 Screening Tools… Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)
Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Tool, 2nd ed (BDI-ST) Bayley Infant Neuro- developmental Screen (BINS) Brigance Screens-II

9 Screening Tools… Child Development Inventory(CDI)
Infant Development Inventory Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) And many more…

10 Screening Tools made Simple

11 Ages and StagesQuestionnaire

12 ASQ Variations in Practice
Mailed out and returned completed prior to the visit Mailed out and returned at the clinic visit day Given at reception and filled out while waiting On the fly in the room

13 Ideal World Parents are mailed the ASQ prior to the periodicity well visit and return it by mail prior to the visit Staff enters it into the EMR You can review with the family at time of visit and give relevant anticipatory guidance

14 Ideal Worldish Parents bring completed ASQ back to office at time of the periodicity wellness visit Staff enters it into the EMR You can review with the family at time of visit and give relevant anticipatory guidance

15 Less Ideal World Patient arrives and receives ASQ and fills out while they wait Staff enters the data You can review with the family at the time of the visit and give relevant anticipatory guidance.

16 Real World Patient arrives without ASQ and not given one at reception
Load ASQ into note and complete with the family Give relevant anticipatory guidance

17 Pre- Collaborative Readiness Assessment

18 Total Responses 8 (some clinic sites grouped as an organization rather than individual clinic Date Created: Friday, January 26, 2018 Complete Responses: 8

19 Q1: What general development screening method/tool is your practice currently utilizing to assess for childhood development? Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

20 Q2: If your practice is utilizing an up-to-date validated general developmental screening tool, is it occurring at all of the recommended American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures visits (9, 18, 30 Month Visits)? Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

21 Q3: What autism screening tool is your practice currently utilizing to assess for autism spectrum disorder? Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

22 Q4: If your practice is utilizing an up-to-date validated autism screening tool, is it occurring at all of the recommended Bright Futures visits (18, 24 Month Well Visits) Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

23 Q5: Upon identifying a developmental delay or concern, is your practice currently referring to an appropriate developmental or early childhood resource? Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

24 Q6: What are your current barriers for providing developmental screeners at the recommended visits?
Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

25 Q7: What is the current approximate wait time for a patient to see a developmental specialist in your area? Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

26 Developmental Screening Learning Collaborative

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