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The Rise and Fall of Israel
Promises Made to the Fathers
(Made Easy)
Days of Adam
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was given to Adam (Moses 5:4-11, 58-59; 6:50-68)—
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was given to Adam (Moses 5:4-11, 58-59; 6:50-68)— Included rehinheritance to the Royal Family of God;
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was given to Adam (Moses 5:4-11, 58-59; 6:50-68)— Included rehinheritance to the Royal Family of God; Promises of a Celestial World and full equality with God—they would become gods and goddess with the power of eternal increase.
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was offered to all of Adam’s posterity but with little success (Moses 5:12-15)
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was offered to all of Adam’s posterity but with little success (Moses 5:12-15) A “chosen seed” was established (D&C 107:40-52; Moses 6:16-17; 6:1-25). This “chosen’ seed” were the Lord’s servants to continue taking the gospel to Adam’s posterity (Moses 6:23).
The Days of Adam The fullness of the Gospel was offered to all of Adam’s posterity but with little success (Moses 5:12-15) A “chosen seed” was established (D&C 107:40-52; Moses 6:16-17; 6:1-25). This “chosen’ seed” were the Lord’s servants to continue taking the gospel to Adam’s posterity (Moses 6:23). But the majority of Adam’s posterity rejected the Gospel, establishing their own governments and religious rites.
Promises Made to Enoch
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Patriarch or Father Enoch
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Patriarch or Father Enoch Enoch was born 622 years after Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Days of Enoch Wickedness dominated the world— “And the children of men were numerous upon all the face of the land. And in those days Satan had great dominion among men, and raged in their hearts; and from thenceforth came wars and bloodshed; and a man's hand was against his own brother, in administering death, because of secret works, seeking for power.” (Moses 6:15)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) With the Gospel being rejected by His mortal children, the Lord began to make promises to individual Patriarchs about their posterity and the role they would play in bringing the Gospel to all of Heavenly Fathers children. This began with Enoch.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) The Lord promised Enoch that He would never destroy the wicked by a flood of water again;
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) The Lord promised Enoch that He would never destroy the wicked by a flood of water again; But that He would call upon Noah’s seed to repent;
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) The Lord promised Enoch that He would never destroy the wicked by a flood of water again; But that He would call upon Noah’s seed to repent; He also made an unalterable decree that Enoch’s seed (the chosen seed) would pass through Noah’s posterity and would always be found among the nations of the world. (Moses 7:51-52)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) Enoch was promised that the covenant He made with Enoch would be fulfilled in the last days, in days of great wickedness. But He promised Enoch that His people, the elect, or chosen seed would be preserved from wickedness (Moses 6:60-61)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) Enoch was shown that instead a flood of water to destroy wickedness in the last days, God would flood the earth with “righteousness and truth”—foundational principles of a Zion people—by which He would “gather out mine elect [Enoch’s posterity, the chosen seed] from the four quarters of the earth” where the Lord had promised they would be found “while the earth would stand.” This gathering would be to “an Holy City” “called Zion, a New Jerusalem” (Moses 6:62).
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) However, since Enoch was promised that the chosen seed would be found among all nations “while the earth would stand,” then the great latter-day gathering we would not be to a single city of Zion, but rather, Zion would be found in every nation of the world. (This is being fulfilled by establishing stakes of Zion throughout the world—every stake being a city of Zion, so to say, in that location, with the New Jerusalem as the “center place” (see D&C 58:2-3). Eventually, Zion—often called the Kingdom of God—will cover the whole earth!!)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) When the day comes, Jesus Christ, King of Zion (Moses 7:53) will return with Enoch’s city and all the righteous dead from the days of Adam to the Second Coming to join with the latter-day Zion to become one Zion. Christ will rule over all the earth and with them all Zion will reign with Christ’s as kings and queens and priests and priestesses (Rev. 20:4-6; D&C 43:28-30).
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Enochian Covenant (Promises Made to Enoch by Covenant) When the day comes, Jesus Christ, King of Zion (Moses 7:53) will return with Enoch’s city and all the righteous dead from the days of Adam to the Second Coming to join with the latter-day Zion to become one Zion. Christ will rule over all the earth and with them all Zion will reign with Christ’s as kings and queens and priests and priestesses (Rev. 20:4-6; D&C 43:28-30). The work of gathering the elect (the house of Israel) will continue on both sides of the veil until all have had full opportunity to receive the fullness of the Gospel.
Promises Made to Father Abraham
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Enochian Covenant reveals what God will do in the Last Days to bring about “the immortality and eternal life” of His children.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Enochian Covenant reveals what God will do in the Last Days to bring about “the immortality and eternal life” of His children. The Abrahamic Covenant focuses on how God will bring about the world wide Zion in the latter-days.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Lord promised Abraham a large posterity that would become a great nation.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Lord promised Abraham a large posterity that would become a great nation. That nation would be given the Gospel and Priesthood to govern the Gospel.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Lord promised Abraham a large posterity that would become a great nation. That nation would be given the Gospel and Priesthood to govern the Gospel. They would also be promised to have a land where they could live the Gospel freely, establishing themselves as the Lord’s nation upon the earth.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Abrahamic Covenant The Lord promised Abraham a large posterity that would become a great nation. That nation would be given the Gospel and Priesthood to govern the Gospel. They would also be promised to have a land where they could live the Gospel freely, establishing themselves as the Lord’s nation upon the earth. Finally, they were promised that they would become a means of blessing all the Gentiles of the earth, ministering the Gospel unto all of Noah’s seed. The Lord promised Abraham: “I give unto thee a promise that this right (the priesthood) shall continue in thee, and in thy seed after thee (that is to say, the literal seed, or the seed of the body) shall all the families of the earth be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.” (Abraham 2:6-11)
Promises to the House of Israel (the national covenant)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – the nation that descended from Abraham’s son, Isaac, and from his son, Jacob, whose name was changed by God to “Israel.”
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – the nation that descended from Abraham’s son, Isaac, and from his son, Jacob, whose name was changed by God to “Israel.” The promises made by covenant with the house of Israel was a national covenant—in fact, it was their government, much like the constitution of the United States is the government by which this nation will abide. He wanted the whole House of Israel to be His Firstborn (Ex. 4:22-23)
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – The Lord Promised Israel that they would be His nation on Earth and He would be their God, their king, their Shepherd.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – The Lord Promised Israel that they would be His nation on Earth and He would be their God, their king, their Shepherd. If they would obey all the ten commandments with all the statues and judgments given by the Lord helping them understand what they commandments meant and how they were to be lived, then they would be blessed with great temporal blessings—i.e. “they would prosper in the land”
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – The Lord Promised Israel that they would be His nation on Earth and He would be their God, their king, their Shepherd. If they would obey all the ten commandments with all the statues and judgments given by the Lord helping them understand what they commandments meant and how they were to be lived, then they would be blessed with great temporal blessings—i.e. “they would prosper in the land” They would be given the land of Canaan, the land link between the three great continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, through would all trade routes pass. They would become a city set on a hill as a light to all the Gentile nations. Eventually they would bless all nations of the world.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – But if they broke their covenant, disobeyed the commandments, and turned all together from Jehovah as their God, King, and Shepherd, then they would be scattered among all nations of the world.
Promises Made to the Fathers (Made easy)
The Promises made to the House of Israel – But if they broke their covenant, disobeyed the commandments, and turned all together from Jehovah as their God, King, and Shepherd, then they would be scattered among all nations of the world. If, in their scattered condition, they recognized their sinful ways, and desired to return to Jehovah and live His ways, then Jehovah would search them out like a Good Shepherd and gather the lost sheep of Israel (including and Gentiles) to the fold of God—i.e. Zion (as shown to Enoch). This gathering would be the world-wide gathering promised Enoch to prepare a people for the coming of their God, King, and Shepherd.
The Davidic Covenant
Gathering is to Christ Genesis 49:8-10—Promise was that from Judah would come the King and Lawgiver and that it was “unto him shall the gathering of the people be.”
Gathering is to Christ Genesis 49:8-10—Promise was that from Judah would come the King and Lawgiver and that it was “unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” Jesse was a descendant of Judah. He was the father of David. Solomon was the son of David. Through this lineage would come the Christ.
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