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Day 6: 1491 or 1492 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 2, 2014

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1 Day 6: 1491 or 1492 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute September 2, 2014
A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

2 Objective Outcomes: The students will decide to start the course in 1491 or 1492 by comparing and contrasting the ideas of Charles C. Mann with the ideas of Kennedy, Cohen, and Bailey in The American Pageant

3 Warm-Up Why is Columbus given credit for discovery of the New World?

4 Guided-Practice Students will read Alan Taylor’s review of and the ideas of the authors of our text book.

5 Whole-class discussion
Please present competing reasons for beginning the course by studying 1491 rather than 1492.

6 Formative Assessment Take out the seven course themes and the 9 historical thinking skills from the 1st and 2nd day of class. Provide evidence from the lesson of how each theme and skill is related to the learning that occurred today.

7 Homework-for Friday Sept. 9 count off by 3s
It is 1750 and an 18th century human rights organization has hired you, representatives of a world renowned “think tank” to conduct a hearing and prepare a report on the impact of European colonization on the indigenous people of North America. Presentations at this hearing will detail the social/cultural and economic responses of the British, French, and Spanish to the Indians of North American between After the hearing, you will be asked to determine the degree to which each nation’s colonizers impacted the Native Americans and to indict the harshest colonizers for “crimes against humanity” by publishing a brochure.

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