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Impedance of Different Kicker Options

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1 Impedance of Different Kicker Options
Olga Zagorodnova BDGM, DESY

2 Geometries of the feedback kickers
Geometries of the kickers for TD1 separation and kickers for TLD separation In vacuum Out vacuum 1 2 n-1 n 10mm 20mm 1 n 0.5m a 20mm a 0.5m Geometries of the feedback kickers In vacuum Out vacuum 10mm 1 2 n-1 n 1 2 n-1 n 20mm 1 n 0.5m a 20mm a 0.5m

3 (1) Analytical estimation of resistive wake for round pipe
Material: Stainless Steel 1,4435 X2 CrNi MO a

4 (2) Analytical estimation for cavity (g - finite)
g=10mm a a=20, 15, 10mm (3) Analytical estimation for step-out transition (g - infinite) b=20mm a a=20, 15, 10mm

5 The table shows different combinations of kickers with
different apertures in vacuum and out of vacuum TD1 TDL Feedback A a (mm) 20 n (in vacuum) 5 4 n (out vacuum) 22 6 B 15 2 17 10 C 3 12

6 Energy Spreads in kV/nC, calculated for the gaussian bunch 25mkm
In Vacuum Out vacuum TD1 TDL Feedback Total A a=20mm 258 64 103 425 181 49 66 296 B a=15mm 310 105 142 557 242 93 163 498 C a=10mm 403 185 315 903 362 164 288 814

7 Impedance budget for the collimation section without kickers
Total energy spread

8 Contributions of the kickers with different apertures
20mm 1 n 0.5m a Contributions of the kickers with different apertures to impedance budget of collimation section a, mm In Vacuum Out Vacuum A 20 5.7% 4% B 15 7.3% 6.6% C 10 11.3% 10.3%

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