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The Providence and Sovereignty of Almighty God

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1 The Providence and Sovereignty of Almighty God
ESTHER The Providence and Sovereignty of Almighty God

2 2nd book in the Bible named after a woman
Ruth A Gentile Bride marries a Jewish Prince Esther A Jewish Bride marries a Gentile king

3 Takes place in Persia

4 ESTHER Where in the Bible does this take place?

5 ESTHER The Jews That Did Not Return To Israel

6 ESTHER The word GOD or LORD is not mentioned
PROVIDENCE (Acts 24:2) God’s divine government whereby things come to pass in man’s history as God Himself as ordained it to do so. SOVEREIGNTY Supreme dominion, authority and power

7 ESTHER Demonstrates the fundamental truth of
God’s Providence in His Sovereign control over all events no matter how seemingly insignificant GOD IS IN CONTROL Providence is the hand of God in the glove of history. God’s hand is seen in: Creation & The preservation of the Nation of Israel

8 ESTHER The Jews Are God’s Indestructible People!
Pharaoh learned that they could not be drowned Exodus 14 Nebuchadnezzar learned that they could not be burned Daniel 3 Darius learned that they could not be Eaten Daniel 6 Haman learned that they could not be Hanged Esther 7 Mohamed, Hitler and Stalin learned that Beheading, Firing Squads, Gas Chambers and Crematoriums could NOT do away with the Jews.

9 ESTHER Key Verses – Esther 4:10-17
God’s Providence and His Sovereign control is seen as God works behind the scenes accomplishing His purpose and His will Proverbs 16:1 & 9; 19:21; 21:1 Daniel 4:32; 5:21 Acts 2:23; 4:26-28 1 Corinthians 2:7-8

10 ESTHER Haman the Amalakite

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