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Common Sense Kids Pamphlet Instructions

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1 Common Sense Kids Pamphlet Instructions
Pretend you are writing a children's book and explaining to a child what are three reasons why the colonies should declare independence from Britain. 1. Your 3 reasons should be taken from the Common Sense matching excerpts handout. The reasons should be written on the left side of each opened page. 2. You will create 3 pictures reflecting the ideas from your corresponding reasons on the right side of each opened page. 3. On the back side of your pamphlet you will explain why was Thomas Paine and his pamphlet, Common Sense, important to the American Revolution in at least 2 sentences.

2 Common Sense Kids Pamphlet Rubric
Each Reason Worth 10 Points = 30 Points Each Picture Worth 10 Points = 30 Points Common Sense Significance = 20 Points Effort = 20 Points __________________ 100 Possible Points

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