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English 7/11/12 Act 2 notes.

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1 English 7/11/12 Act 2 notes

2 Summary Act 2 sc. 6 (43-48) Catherine and Rodolfo alone in the house together for the first time. Eddie’s doubts have lodged in Catherine’s mind and she questions Rodolfo about his motives. He is angry and hurt and stresses that he would not marry for US citizenship. Catherine reveals the extent of her intimacy with Eddie and is in a vulnerable state. Eddie arrives home drunk and uses his disturbance of their intimacy to rage at Rodolfo, ordering him to leave. Catherine declares she will leave too. As an act of possession Eddie kisses his niece; as an act of humiliation, he kisses Rodolfo.

3 Quotations p 43-48 Catherine questions R’s motives ( 44)
Rodolfo’s view of America (45) Catherine’s new independence (46) Catherine and Eddie’s closeness (46) Rodolfo illustrates Catherine’s position (46) Stage Directions Rodolfo seduces Catherine? (46) The first kiss (47) The second kiss (47)

4 Higher question Choose a play in which a central character experiences not only inner conflict but also conflict with one ( or more than one) other character. Explain the nature of both conflicts and discuss which one you consider to be more important in terms of character development and/dramatic impact.

5 Intermediate question
How does the relationship between Eddie and Catherine change during the first act of the play? How does Miller use dramatic devices to show this?

6 Dramatic Techniques Conflict Characterisation Key scene Dialogue
Climax: peak of the action; a moment of intensity Exposition: providing background information Denouement: final resolution of the plot Structure Monologue

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