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Alternative Modes of Assessment

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1 Alternative Modes of Assessment
Sandy Alden Team Leader Disability & Specialist Learning Student Health and Wellbeing Service 1

2 Assessment Issues Competence standards & Professional bodies
Can a fair and equivalent alternative be created? Assessment design and inclusive practice

3 Competence Standards A competence standard is defined as ‘an academic, medical or other standard applied for the purposes of determining whether or not a person has a particular level of competence or ability’ Equality Act 2010 Sch 13, para 4(3)) Is the assessment type developed the only method by which a student can meet the required competence standard? Professional bodies have a duty to ensure competence standards are not discriminatory Note, there is no legal requirement on HE providers to make reasonable adjustments to a competence standard

4 Can a fair and equivalent alternative be created?
For a presentation could a student: Present to a smaller audience or to staff only? Submit a video presentation? Request the audience/staff to write questions and be allowed time to read and formulate responses to either deliver directly to the audience or later via ? These types of adjustment can support students with processing and memory issues, other communication or cognitive issues to better demonstrate knowledge and skills. Inclusive practice values the diversity of the student body as a resource that enhances the learning experience. Inclusive learning invests in the following principles: • Learning is enriched by the varied experiences of students • Accessible learning is relevant and approachable by all students • The curriculum and the means of delivery are both part of this accessibility • Students with full access to learning and teaching are more likely to engage with learning, and to reach their full potential Accessibility: The learning environment may disable individuals rather than specific impairments or differences; for example a video without subtitles would always disadvantage a deaf student but may also disadvantage a student who has to access this content in a noisy environment. Digital accessibility allows each student to engage with content in their own way; disability is just one factor that influences how a person will want to interact with content.

5 Example of equivalency chart for a 3000 word essay
Text-based coursework OR Live presentation / viva E-portfolio /multimedia coursework / WIKI Group work Essay – 3000 words, plus references 100% graded by lecturer, and double marked where appropriate A2 or A3 Poster , using text and/or artwork/visual data, plus 10 minute presentation to rest of group; with accompanying 500 word explanatory / background text. You will need to use references. 50% Peer assessed by group 50% graded by lecturer E- Project 2000 words, plus 1000 word equivalent to include any of these: photographs, charts, visual resources, audio, artwork etc, plus references 30 minute teaching or demonstration session for a group of ten peers. Make your own handouts / resources / games to illustrate your session. You will need to use references. 100% peer assessed

6 Inclusive Practice An approach that recognises the diversity of students, enabling all students to access course content, fully participate in learning activities and demonstrate their knowledge and strengths at assessment (‘Inclusive Teaching and Learning in HE as a route to excellence report’, 2017) To create equal opportunity that is flexible and adjustable and approachable by all Creates opportunity to design a range of assessment types to assess the same learning outcome which recognises the diversity of learners Students as partners Legislative: 1) Embedding inclusive teaching and learning practices form part of HEP’s anticipatory equality duty, it also provides the opportunity to support all students. 2) These regulations require all public bodies’ websites and apps to meet an Accessibility Requirement by 23/09/2020 and for all public bodies to publish an Accessibility Statement on all their websites and apps. Sector: This report is part of a number of moves towards improving accessibility and inclusivity within the HE sector. Emphasised the need to realise equality of outcome for all in UK Higher Education and stated that the universal adoption of inclusive teaching and practice is central to this TEF includes the aim “to recognise those institutions that do the most to welcome students from a range of backgrounds and support their retention and progression to further study or a graduate job”. University: 1) New Vision strategy incorporates commitment to inclusion and diversity: “The diversity of our provision, and of our student body, is a strength that adds to richness of our academic community and of the education we provide…. actively promoting our longstanding institutional commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity through access to educational opportunities that enable all our students to fulfil their potential.”

7 Two Key Challenges Staff time and resource
Quality and how to differentiate between levels of achievement

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