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An Introduction to World Religions

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to World Religions"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to World Religions

2 2011-11-28 Agenda Attendance In the News
Student Presentation: Audrey Michaud Chinese Buddhism Pure Land Video: Buddhism beyond India Tibetan Buddhism :04 Homework for Next Time

3 In the calendar November 26: Al-Hijira: Islamic New Year (Islam)
This is the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar, and it marks the migration of the Prophet Mohammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. There is no specific religious ritual required on this day, but Muslims will think about the general meaning of Hijra, and regard this as a good time for 'New Year Resolutions'.

4 Religion in the News Tibetan Self-Immolations "A Sign of Deep Desperation”

5 Student Presentation Audrey Michaud

6 Buddhism What are some notable characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism?
Slides What are some notable characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism? Describe some of the tools Vajrayana Buddhists use to focus their meditation and prayer.

7 Game Quizzes

8 For Homework For Tuesday, 1:15 For Thursday, 12:15 For January 9
Work on your annotated bibliography For Thursday, 12:15 Annotated bibliography For January 9 Read section on “Zoroastrianism” in Living Religions Write online quiz on Zoroastrianism

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