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Big Idea 16 Heredity and Reproduction
Benchmark SC.4.L.16.1 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Pacing Guide Quarter 3: 02/24-03/07 Benchmark SC.4.L.16.4 Stages & Life Cycles of Florida Plants and Animals Quarter 3: 03/10-03/20 Engage: Read aloud Flowers: More Than Just Pretty . Discuss what we can do to find out the answer. Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist Millard Lightburn, District Supervisor Department of Mathematics and Science Office of Academics and Transformation
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
SC.4.L Identify processes of sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including pollination, fertilization (seed production), seed dispersal, and germination. (Assessed as SC.3.L.14.1.) SC.3.L Describe structures in plants and their roles in food production, support, water and nutrient transport, and reproduction.
Schoolyard Field Study: Observing a Wild Flower
Materials: A partner, plastic knife, hand lens, paper towel, wild flower (weed) Procedures: Pick a small plant to observe with a partner. Dig it out of the ground carefully and shake off the dirt. Draw your plant and label the parts. Use a hand lens to observe each part and sketch observations. Use sensory words to describe the your plant. Be ready to share with the class. Explain: Gr. 4 SF pp. 8-11: What are the parts of plants?
Purpose of a Flower Are Flowers More Than Just Pretty?
Engage: Read aloud Flowers: More Than Just Pretty . Discuss what we can do to find out the answer.
Flower Power Essential Question: What are the parts of a flower and the function of each part? Learning Goals: Observe and identify flower parts. Reconstruct a flower model. Recognize the function of a flower, identifying the processes of reproduction including pollination, fertilization, seed dispersal, and germination.
The Parts of a Flower What are the three main parts of flowers? petals
stamens pistil Explain: Gr. 4 SF pp Parts of a Flower View Love Me, Love me not to see parts of the flower.
The Parts of a Flower Sepals protect the bud until it opens.
Petals attract insects. Stamens make pollen. Pistil contain the ovary which contains the ovules (eggs). When fertilized, ovules grow into fruits which contain seed.
Flowering Plant Reproduction
Pistil Pollen Ovary Sperm Egg Pollination Stamen Fertilization
The Stamen: Male Reproductive Part of a Flower
Anther: Pollen grains (sperm cells) grow in the anther. Filament: This holds the anther.
The Pistil: Female Reproductive Parts of a Flower
Stigma Style Ovary (carpel) Eggs(ovules)
Why Do Plants Make Flowers?
Flower Power Writing Why Do Plants Make Flowers? Stories Must Include: Common & scientific name Description of the flower Explanation of the role of the flower in the life cycle of the plant Use or value of the plant Writing Assessment Rubric: Accuracy of information Creativity Use of vivid vocabulary Description of flower Plant’s use or value
What is Pollination? Gizmos: Flower Pollination
Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of the stamen to the female stigma. Pollen lands on a female pistil, sperm cells move down to the ovary, fertilizing the egg cells. Fertilization combines DNA. The result is a seed with a tiny plant inside. The ovary grows into a fruit to protect the seeds. Explain: Gr. 4 SF pp Pollen on the Move
Pollinators Animals, wind, and water can all help in the transfer of pollen. We call animals or insects that transfer pollen from plant to plant "pollinators ". The flower type, shape, color, odor, nectar, and structure vary by the type of pollinator that visits them.
Wind Pollination Some flowers, such as grasses, do not have brightly colored petals and nectar to attract insects. These flowers are pollinated by the wind.
Flowering plants use: the wind insects bats birds mammals
to transfer pollen from the stamen (male) part of the flower to the stigma (female) part of the flower. View video to see View of Attraction for pollinators.
Check Point What is pollination?
How do flowering plants depend on other living things in order to reproduce? Why are young plants like but not identical to their parents? Explain for review: Students make the foldable – Plant Reproduction.
Major Stages of Life Cycles of Florida Plants and Animals
SC.4.L Identify processes of sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including pollination, fertilization (seed production), seed dispersal, and germination. (Assessed as SC.3.L “Fair Game”) AA SC.4.L Compare and contrast the major stages in the life cycles of Florida plants and animals, such as those that undergo incomplete and complete metamorphosis, and flowering and nonflowering seed-bearing plants. AA
The Animal’s Life Cycle
Birth to Death 1. They are born (egg or embryo). 2. They grow (infant). 3. They develop into adults (adolescent). 4. Adults can reproduce (adult stages).
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Life Stages of Insects Incomplete Metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis (grasshoppers) a. Egg b. Nymph c. Adult (butterflies and moths) a. Egg b. Larva (caterpillar) c. Pupa d. Adult
The Butterfly Life Cycle
Complete Metamorphosis Larvae Egg So we have talked about the reproduction and life cycle of plants, let’s jump to the life cycle of animals, specifically the butterfly and the frog, both of whom have unique life cycles because they go through complete metamorphosis. The first stage of the butterfly life cycle is the egg. When the egg hatches, the larvae or the caterpillar is revealed. The caterpillar eats the leaves where the egg was attached to get its nutrients to grow and develop. Caterpillars shed their outgrown skin several times during the growth process. Once the caterpillar has grown fully, they change into a pupa also called a chrysalis. The pupal stage in the development of the caterpillar is where major transformations take place. Lastly, when the caterpillar is done with its metamorphosis inside the pupa, an adult butterfly will emerge. Then the female butterfly reproduces and lays her eggs on the leaves of choice. The butterfly life cycle starts all over again Pupal Stage Adult Butterfly
The Grasshopper Life Cycle
Incomplete Metamorphosis Egg Nymph Adult Grasshopper
Let’s Explore!
Gone to Seed Three main parts:
1. seed coat - a covering with two roles: - Protects new plant called embyro - Guards stored food called endosperm. 2. endosperm – stored food 3. embryo – The new plant with structures called seed leaves or cotyledons. Explain: Gr. 4 SF p. 58 parts of a seed and view Gone to seed to see what happens after pollination.
Qualitative Observations Quantitative Observations
Observing Seeds Senses & Hand Lens Sight - Looks Touch - Feels Hearing – Sounds when dropped Odor – Smells Qualitative Observations Measurement Tools Ruler Tape measure Balance Gram mass pieces Quantitative Observations
Observing a Seed Observe the outside of a dry bean seed with a hand lens. Draw it and write down four or more properties including length and width. Get a wet bean seed to observe. Draw it and write down four or more properties including length and width. Why is the wet seed larger? Split it open and observe its parts. Draw and label its inside including the seed coat, cotyledon, and embryo.
1st Lets make Dry Seed Wet Bean 2nd Let’s explore … Observations:
Length: Width: Mass: Color: Texture: 2nd Let’s explore … Have students explore the variables that affect seed germination by going online to and doing the Germination Gizmo.
How do seeds get dispersed from a plant into the ground?
Some seeds are hidden in the ground by animals such as squirrels as a winter store. Some seeds have hooks on them and cling to fur or clothes.
How do birds and animals help seed dispersal?
Birds and animals eat the fruits and excrete the seeds away from the parent plant.
Ways Seeds are Carried Away from a Plant
Animal-carried Animal-consumed Water-borne Wind-borne Propelled Take students on a seed scavenger hunt around the schoolyard.
What do seeds need to sprout?
Seed Germination What do seeds need to sprout? Water Oxygen Proper temperature Some require proper light How do we know?
Seed Germination What are the variables that affect germination?
Test your ideas on the Gizmo: Germination. What did we learn? Water Proper temperature Some require proper light Oxygen Click on Germination to learn more about variables that affect germination. Students can also do the GIZMO: Germination.
Seeds are made in their cone or spores instead of the flower.
Where are seeds found in flowering and non flowering plants? Flowering Plants Holds seeds inside of the flower which lie dormant, waiting to be planted in the ground. Non-Flowering Plants Pine trees, ferns, and mosses are examples of non-flowering, cone bearing-plants. These plants differ from flowering plants in that their seeds are made in their cone or spores instead of the flower. Seeds are made in their cone or spores instead of the flower.
Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
Reproduction Seed Seedling Adult Plant Flowers/Fruit Seed Dispersal Germination
Reproduction in Non-Flowering Plants
Some plant produce spores. Some plants produce cones that contain seeds.
Life Cycle of Flowering and Non-Flowering Plants
Flowering plants hold seeds inside which lie dormant, waiting to be planted in the ground. Once the seed is planted, the seed germinates and the tiny roots begin to grow downward while the stems grow upward. Next, the seedling reveals a small stem with a few tiny leaves. The plant begins to grow until maturity. Once a plant reaches maturity it will grow flowers. The flowers will attract pollinators. The egg cells will become fertilized and a new seed will be produced. The process will then begin all over again.
Life Cycle of a Plant
Remember… Seeds are scattered by planting, wind, water, and animals. When the small plant inside begins to grow, the seed germinates. The young plant that grows from a seed is the seedling.
Let’s Review! What do all living things need to live and grow?
food, water and air 2. Can you name the parts of a plant? roots, stem, leaves and flower 3. What do plants need to grow? sunlight, air, water and nutrients or minerals from the soil
4. What do the roots do for a plant?
The roots hold a plant in place and takes in water and nutrients from the soil. 5. What does the stem do for a plant? The stem holds up the plant and moves water and nutrients through it.
6. Why does a plant need leaves?
Leaves use sunlight, air, water, and nutrients to make food for the plant. 7. What do flowers do for plants? Flowers make fruits that hold seeds. These seeds will make new plants. 8. How can seeds be scattered? By planting, animals, water, and wind.
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