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Dogs and puppies By Laura Kirwan.

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1 Dogs and puppies By Laura Kirwan

2 Fact box:A dog can smell about 100,000 times better than a human.
Why we love dogs Dogs make wonderful pets and quickly become part of the family. A pet dog will make you laugh, be there for a hug when you feel sad, and enjoy playing games with you.

3 The life cycle of a puppy

4 Puppies are born blind And deaf. They find their way to their mothers milk using their sense of smell. New born puppies sleep a lot and cuddle up to each other for warmth. A pregnant female dog will look for somewhere cosy and quiet to have her Litter(puppies).She usually have between 4 and 8 puppies, which she must feed and care for. Fact box: The majority of a dog's sweat glands are between the pads on its paws.

5 Fact box : Chocolate can make dogs very sick or even kill them because it contains a substance called theobromine, which is like a poison to dogs. At four weeks old, puppies can eat solid food ,walk, run, climb and play. They squeal and yelp as they jump about . When they are about 2 weeks old puppies start to open their eyes. They can hear loud noises that may frighten them , and are just learning to walk When puppies are between 8 and 12 weeks old , they are old enough to leave their mother and go to a new home

6 Fact box:Dogs hear around ten times better than the average human.
Dog facts The Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog breed that has 6 toes on each foot! A dog named Duke is the mayor of Cormorant Minnesota There’s even a border collie who can recognize 1022 words Did you Know that small dogs live longer then bigger dogs.

7 Here are some dog breeds
Fact box: Dogs know someone is at the door before they even ring the bell.

8 Shar pei Chow chow The shar pei was bred in China .Its skin has thick folds and it always looks grumpy but it is loving and loyal. Although it looks cuddly this breed is not that friendly .Once they bond with their owners they are extremely loyal and loving . They can sometimes act aggressive near kids and strangers. Fact boxA dog's sense of smell is reduced by up to 40 percent when he's overheated and panting.

9 Pomeranian French bulldog
Fact box : The average dog can run about 19 miles per hour at full speed. Pomeranian French bulldog French bulldogs make great pets they are playful, affectionate & loyal. They are not loud but like to be silly. They get along well with strangers and other dogs This tiny dog looks like a ball of fluff. It is clever and active and needs lots of care and grooming . But they do bark... a lot!

10 Labrador Pug Pugs have the best temperament of all toy dogs.
Fact box:A dog’s nose print is one of a kind, very similar to a person’s fingerprint. Labrador Pug Labs are one of the most friendly dog breeds. Labs love all people. They make great pets for active families who enjoy the outdoors. Pugs have the best temperament of all toy dogs. They get along with children exceptionally well and make great pets .

11 Fact box :People have been keeping dogs for pets for 12,000 years.
Samoyed Bichon frise The Samoyed comes from Siberia cold and snowy part of Russia. It has a thick coat of fur to keep warm in the freezing cold. These dogs need lots of exercise . These dogs are devoted companions. Some owners insist these dogs actually smile. They are loyal and go excellent with kids. They also don’t shed

12 Fact box:Spaying or neutering your dog can help prevent certain types of cancer.
Chihuahua Cavalier These dogs are the smallest breed of dog. They are highly affectionate. Their favourite human is the one that spends the most time with it. This friendly dog loves everyone. It is one of the best toy dog breed for children. But they won’t be happy if left alone all day.

13 My favourite is a........................... POMARANIAN!!!!!!!!!
Fact box :The very first animal to go into space was a dog, a Russian dog named Laika who travelled in the spacecraft Sputnik around the earth in 1957. My favourite is a POMARANIAN!!!!!!!!!

14 Watch the video httph://
Fact box: The oldest dog who ever lived was a cattle dog from Australia called Bluey who lived to be 29 years and 5 months old. In human terms that makes him over 160 years old! Watch the video httph://

15 Dog facts "Helicopter" tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog
Dog facts: When your dog goes to sleep you notice he turns in a circle a few times, this is an instinct from when they were a wild dog, as they did this to pat down the grass before they slept. Despite thousands of years, they still have this instinct. Dog facts "Helicopter" tail wagging is one sign of a really nice dog Perky-eared dogs hear better than floppy-eared dogs. In general, smaller breeds live longer than larger breeds.  The heaviest breed, the Mastiff, weighs about 200 pounds.

16 Pictures!!

17 The rock star Ozzy Osborne rescued his wife’s Pomeranian from a coyote by wrestling the coyote until it released the dog. Why I love dogs I love dogs because they are loyal ,affectionate ,playful and of course cute. They can be aggressive but most of them are not. Every dog is different and unique and that is what makes them special. And there are over 200 dog breeds in the world or even more

18 Quiz!!!!!!!!! How many fact boxes did I put??
How many paw prints did I put???

19 Thank you for listening

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