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Intro to GIS – Monroe Community College

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1 Intro to GIS – Monroe Community College
Californian Wind Farms: Where They Are and Where They Should Be by Noelle Robinson Intro to GIS – Monroe Community College 12/16/09 Introduction Wind energy, harnessed by wind turbines on “wind farms,” is a renewable energy that does not pollute or deplete the environment and natural resources as non-renewable sources of energy (e.g., oil) do. Wind turns the blades of the wind turbine, which work in a similar way to airplane wings, and turn a generator, creating electricity. A wind turbine can The use of wind energy has been on the rise in the U.S., but is still a very small part of the energy produced and used in this country. There are areas of the country that are optimal for the collection of wind energy. These areas have a high wind class in the wind power classification system, meaning they experience frequent, higher winds (wind speeds of 16.8 mph – 26.6 mph represent wind classes 4 – 7) and are optimal for wind energy sites. This project is focused on the state of California. As a state with a high population, large land area and high energy use, it is a state that is important for wind energy potential. The state has many areas that are ideal for the collection of wind energy. This research looks at where wind farms are currently in the state, and where optimal areas exist for potential wind farms, to further grow this source of energy. Wind farms are held in highly different regard by different people. Often neighborhoods object to a proposed wind farm in their area, concerned that they are unsightly and loud. They are seen as aesthetic and healthy energy producers by some, and eyesores by others. Coming from a perspective that values their worth and benefit as a green energy source, and appreciates their presence based on that worth, this project explores the possibility of more wind farms for more wind energy, using California as an example site. Map 4. Higher winds at higher elevations are more beneficial for efficient wind energy. Wind farms are ideally located near highly populated areas that will utilize the energy. Map 2. Particularly strong wind resources can be found on the offshore islands of Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Anacapa, and San Nicolas. Map 1. Many areas are federal lands, including national monuments, national forests, and military areas under the control of the Department of Defense. Discussion Problem Statement Create an overview of both existing wind energy farms and the potential locations for wind farms that would be the most beneficial and efficient. Explore current versus potential energy production in the state of California. National Atlas, NREL, and ESRI revealed where the relative wind resources are in California, and obstacles to using those resources as well. While much of California is at high elevation, houses high populations, and experiences high wind class, much is designated land. Areas like national forests would never be sacrificed for wind farming. Much of the coastal area of the state is federally protected. Therefore, agreements would have to be reached to establish new wind farms, and some areas will never be appropriate settings for wind farms. This research showed that the existing wind farms in this state are in areas that are available for wind farming, many in the central or inland areas, but of a somewhat lower wind class. The tools used in this research showed that one area in particular – the offshore islands of Southern California, may be of particular value for establishing new wind farms. This area has a very strong wind class and is not in any category of designated land. Wind farm in Mojave, California. In the top image, all the line shapes , as well as those on the hills, are rows of wind turbines. The bottom images are closer views of the turbines Source: ESRI Conclusions Wind farms anywhere are valuable. All add up to help provide a clean and renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels and the damage to the environment they continue to cause. When we consider that California has the most severely polluted air in any state in the U.S., with very large carbon dioxide emissions, the incremental benefits of wind farms for wind energy become clear. The area pointed out in this research is an optimal resource for wind, however, as with any area that could potentially host a wind farm, agreements and cooperation would have to be reached to use the land, or a portion of it, this way. Many areas are not candidates for wind farms, but those that are could be and should be utilized , joining the wind farms already present across the state. Wind energy may not be as powerful as other sources of energy, but if we were to consider it a necessity, we would see more wind farms cumulatively producing more and more energy. This can be done nationwide, in all states, wherever wind farms are possible. Their cumulative benefit can only be seen when they are created! Map 3.The area indicated both provides a large wind resource and is not on any type of designated land. Figure 2. Detailed wind resource showing wind class at 50 meters. Source: NREL Figure 1. Current wind farm sites in California and wind resources statewide. Source: The California Energy Commission Wind Power Class 10 m (33 ft) 50 m (164 ft) Wind Power Density (W/m 2) Speed (b) m/s (mph) 1 100 4.4 (9.8) 200 5.6 (12.5) 2 150 5.1 (11.5) 300 6.4 (14.3) 3 4 400 7.0 (15.7) 250 6.0 (13.4) 500 7.5 (16.8) 5 600 8.0 (17.9) 6 800 8.8 (19.7) 7 1000 9.4 (21.1) 2000 11.9 (26.6) Figure 3. Wind power classifications by wind density and wind speed. Source: NREL The California Energy Commission, December google November 2009. national National Atlas of the United States, Web. 7 December National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Web November 2009. Rextag Rextag Stragegies, Web. 7 December 2009. ESRI data Citations and Credits Websites of the state of California ( and the National Renewable Energy Lab ( used to acquire data on existing wind farms, wind power classes and information for background knowledge. The National Atlas of the United States ( used to acquire data on designated land. Data downloaded in shapefiles to create maps. ESRI’s Arc Explorer Java Edition for Educators (AEJEE) software and data used to create maps Attribute tables and identify tool used to analyze maps. Satellite images created with Google Earth, ESRI’s satellite data, and Arc GIS’s Arc Map Maps exported as JPEGs and used in Microsoft Power Point Poster. Methods Thank you to Professor Jonathon Little and Chandrakantt Gopalan for assistance.

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