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Edinburgh and Lothians Practitioner Forum

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Presentation on theme: "Edinburgh and Lothians Practitioner Forum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Edinburgh and Lothians Practitioner Forum
Social Work Supervision, Celebration and Inspection

2 Social Work Supervision, Celebration and Inspection
Three things today: Supervision survey Celebrations of social work Children’s services Joint Inspection

3 But first Who am I? What do I do? Why am I in front of you today?

4 But first Who am I? Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager
What do I do? Why am I in front of you today?

5 But first Who am I? Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager
What do I do? Why am I in front of you today?

6 But first Who am I? Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager
What do I do? Quality Assurance, Regulation and Public Protection Why am I in front of you today?

7 But first Who am I? Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager
What do I do? Quality Assurance, Regulation and Public Protection Why am I in front of you today? Supervision survey Celebrations of social work Children’s Services Joint Inspection

8 Supervision survey

9 Supervision survey Shamelessly taken from other local authorities

10 Supervision survey Shamelessly taken from other local authorities
Piloted in 2017 – C&F

11 Supervision survey Shamelessly taken from other local authorities
Piloted in 2017 – C&F Repeated in 2018 for C&F (including CJSW)

12 Supervision survey Shamelessly taken from other local authorities
Piloted in 2017 – C&F Repeated in 2018 for C&F (including CJSW) Initial survey completed in 2019 (April) for EHSCP

13 Supervision survey Findings

14 Supervision survey Findings

15 Supervision survey Findings

16 Supervision survey Supervision and social work

17 Supervision survey Supervision and social work
If a bedrock – why at best 20% of staff not receiving either quality of or frequency of supervision?

18 Supervision survey Supervision and social work
If a bedrock – why at best 20% of staff not receiving either quality of or frequency of supervision? How do we move these figures along?

19 Supervision survey Supervision and social work
If a bedrock – why at best are 20% of staff not receiving either quality of or frequency of supervision? How do we move these figures along? What’s your experience of supervision?

20 Supervision survey Questions?

21 Celebrating what we do

22 Celebrating what we do

23 Celebrating what we do Observations

24 Celebrating what we do Observations
We collectively (not universally) tend to talk down the contribution to society that social work makes

25 Celebrating what we do Observations
We collectively (not universally) tend to talk down the contribution to society that social work makes We do not, if 2019 award shortlisting is a measuring stick, tend to nominate each other for awards

26 Celebrating what we do Observations
We collectively (not universally) tend to talk down the contribution to society that social work makes We do not, if 2019 award shortlisting is a measuring stick, tend to nominate each other for awards We have a Social Work Day that tends not to have much fanfare or celebration connected to it

27 Celebrating what we do Observations
We collectively (not universally) tend to talk down the contribution to society that social work makes We do not, if 2019 award shortlisting is a measuring stick, tend to nominate each other for awards We have a Social Work Day that tends not to have much fanfare or celebration connected to it Could we better as a profession celebrating our daily achievements with some of the biggest, wickedest, and endemic social issues than we currently are?

28 Celebrating what we do The ask

29 Celebrating what we do The ask
A commitment to work on an annual event to celebrate Social Work Day

30 Celebrating what we do The ask
A commitment to work on an annual event to celebrate Social Work Day Consideration and sharing how best to celebrate good practice

31 Celebrating what we do The ask
A commitment to work on an annual event to celebrate Social Work Day Consideration and sharing how best to celebrate good practice How do you tell your social work good news stories?

32 Children’s Inspection

33 Inspection

34 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions

35 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions

36 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection

37 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read

38 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read 220 staff involved in focus groups

39 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read 220 staff involved in focus groups 107 children and young people in meetings

40 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read 220 staff involved in focus groups 107 children and young people in meetings 44 parents met with

41 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read 220 staff involved in focus groups 107 children and young people in meetings 44 parents met with 129 children and young people survey responses

42 Children’s Inspection
Self evaluation 5 questions 2 weeks of inspection 115 files read 220 staff involved in focus groups 107 children and young people in meetings 44 parents met with 129 children and young people survey responses 2798 staff survey responses

43 Children’s Inspection

44 Children’s Inspection
Strengths Recognising and responding well to circumstances of immediate risk

45 Children’s Inspection
Strengths Recognising and responding well to circumstances of immediate risk Strength’s based approaches leading to increased well being and family resilience

46 Children’s Inspection
Strengths Recognising and responding well to circumstances of immediate risk Strength’s based approaches leading to increased well being and family resilience More children in community settings due to strengthened kinship use

47 Children’s Inspection
Strengths Recognising and responding well to circumstances of immediate risk Strength’s based approaches leading to increased well being and family resilience More children in community settings due to strengthened kinship use Multi-disciplinary through and after care services were successfully supporting young people

48 Children’s Inspection
Areas for improvement

49 Children’s Inspection
Areas for improvement Strategic corporate parenting arrangements unclear and not having full impact on outcomes

50 Children’s Inspection
Areas for improvement Strategic corporate parenting arrangements unclear and not having full impact on outcomes Children and young people were sharing views, yet the Partnership aware that they were not using this feedback

51 Children’s Inspection
Areas for improvement Strategic corporate parenting arrangements unclear and not having full impact on outcomes Children and young people were sharing views, yet the Partnership aware that they were not using this feedback Partnership not evaluating full effectiveness of impact of services and how these affect outcomes for children, young people and their families

52 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report

53 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm

54 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements

55 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements Restorative/strengths based approaches leading to a shared culture across Partnership

56 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements Restorative/strengths based approaches leading to a shared culture across Partnership GIRFEC well embedded

57 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements Restorative/strengths based approaches leading to a shared culture across Partnership GIRFEC well embedded Collaborative working is the norm and a clear strength

58 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements Restorative/strengths based approaches leading to a shared culture across Partnership GIRFEC well embedded Collaborative working is the norm and a clear strength Good levels of support for young people transitioning into adulthood

59 Children’s Inspection
Overwhelmingly positive report Children well protected from harm Good service provision to support children in placements Restorative/strengths based approaches leading to a shared culture across Partnership GIRFEC well embedded Collaborative working is the norm and a clear strength Good levels of support for young people transitioning into adulthood Good level of leadership in creating a solution-focussed culture and multi- disciplinary team work

60 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments

61 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances

62 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances Lack of social work supervision and quality assurance of cases in case records

63 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances Lack of social work supervision and quality assurance of cases in case records Inability across the Partnership to be able to equate service impact to improved outcomes for children, young people and their families

64 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances Lack of social work supervision and quality assurance of cases in case records Inability across the Partnership to be able to equate service impact to improved outcomes for children, young people and their families Children’s advocacy not being offered and therefore not taken up

65 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances Lack of social work supervision and quality assurance of cases in case records Inability across the Partnership to be able to equate service impact to improved outcomes for children, young people and their families Children’s advocacy not being offered and therefore not taken up Mental health and housing issues are sizeable

66 Children’s Inspection
Some fairly significant developments 26% of cases (from 115) saw no or limited improvements in circumstances Lack of social work supervision and quality assurance of cases in case records Inability across the Partnership to be able to equate service impact to improved outcomes for children, young people and their families Children’s advocacy not being offered and therefore not taken up Mental health and housing issues are sizeable Quality assurance work does not equate to service improvement

67 Children’s Inspection

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