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Lab #6B Angiosperms.

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1 Lab #6B Angiosperms

2 Flowers structure of a flower – 4 rings of modified leaves called flower organs: 1. sepals 2. petals 3. stamens 4. carpels Stamen Filament Anther Stigma Carpel Style Ovary Petal Receptacle Ovule Sepal Stigma Style Anther Filament Sepal


4 Perfect flowers male and female on same plant lilies dandelions roses
virtually every fruit and vegetable plant in North America tomatoes dandelion african violet apple blossom

5 Imperfect flowers male and female reproductive parts on separate flowers but may be on the same plant staminate flowers carpellate flowers staminate flowers

6 Inflorescences inflorescences = group of cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is comprised of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches several types raceme - unbranched main axis, flowers attached by a pedicel spike – unbranched main axis, directly attached flowers panicle – branched main axis corymb head (flower head) – also known as a composite flower

7 Composite flowers composite flowers = clusters of many small flowers called florets – each of which is a full flower chicory, dandelion, chrysanthemum, yarrow, coreopsis, sunflower, dahlia, zinnia, goldenrod, aster, lettuce, thistle and Black-eyed Susan. composites are miniaturized flowers numerous flowers packed onto a platform called a receptacle, so the sunflower is actually a collection of hundreds of flowers! two kinds of flowers: disk flowers and ray flowers disc flowers – center of the receptacle ray flowers – surround the disc flowers (look like petals) disc flowers ray flowers

8 Flower ovules Lilium ovary with ovules Ovary with ovule

9 Ovules Ovule Ovules

10 Anthers

11 Fruit composed of an outer wall = pericarp and the inner placenta with seeds pericarp is made up of an exocarp, a mesocarp and an endocarp e.g. apple – skin = exocarp; flesh = mesocarp; paper part in the center = endocarp; seeds classified as: simple, multiple or aggregate simple – one carpel or several fused carpels form the fruit e.g apple multiple – more than one flower with female parts aggregate – number of separate carpels form the fruit

12 Fruits – dichotomous tree
first division – fleshy or dry I. Fleshy A. simple (from a single ovary) or B. complex (from more than one ovary) A. simple- drupe (hard endocarp = cherry, olive, coconut), berry (fleshy endocarp = tomato, grape, peppers, cucumbers), pome (apples, pears) B. complex – aggregate (fruit from many carpels on a single flower = strawberry, raspberry), multiple (fruit from carpels of many flowers fused together = pineapple, corn) II. Dry A. fruits that split open at maturity (more than one seed) or B. fruits that do not split (one seed) A. fruits that split – along one seam (peas, beans and peanuts), along multiple seams (okra, lilies, poppies) B. fruits that don’t split – hard pericarp (acorns, chestnut), thin pericarp and winged (maples, ash, elm), thin pericarp no wings (sunflowers, cereal grains, grasses)

13 Placentation ovules develop from the placenta and are attached to the ovary wall until maturation into seeds arrangement of the placenta = placentation parietal – ovules on the outer ovary wall or extensions of it free central – ovules along a central column or axis axile – ovules along a central axis which is connected to the ovary wall

14 Placentation Parietal placentation Axile placentation

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