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Tae-Joon Cho, MD and Dong Yeon Lee, MD

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1 Tae-Joon Cho, MD and Dong Yeon Lee, MD
Deformity Correction of the Upper Extremity in Osteogenesis Imperfecta Patients Tae-Joon Cho, MD and Dong Yeon Lee, MD

2 U/E Deformity in O.I. Cosmesis Limited reach of the hands
Decreased power Difficulty in using walking aids Fracture risk

3 Amako et al. (JPO, 2004) Retrospective review of 159 cases
Upper extremity deformities are not infrequent. Severe deformity significantly affect mobility and functional abilities.

4 Patients Deformity correction of U/E 11 patients ( M:F = 6:5)
Sillence type I (1), III (5), IV (3), V (2) Age at surgery: avg yrs (3.9 ~ 30)

5 Operation: Segment

6 Operation: Fixation

7 Humerus Non-telescopic IM nail for diaphysis fixation
Antegrade insertion from the greater tuberosity down to olecranon fossa or preferably medial to it Proximal: tension-band wiring Cubitus varus: yet to be developed

8 Case (MJS) Type III, F/9 Humerus diaphyseal bowing
Valgization 50, derotation 40

9 Case (MJS) Type III, F/9 Humerus diaphyseal bowing Sofield procedure
Valgization 50, derotation 40

10 Case (KMH) Type III, F/30 Preop ROM Postop ROM Forward flexion 30º
Extension 40º Abduction 70º ER 10º Valgization 50, derotation 40 Postop ROM Forward flexion 90º Abduction 110º

11 Case (KCS) Type I, M/12 Cubitus varus Valgization 50, derotation 40

12 Forearm Ulnar IM pin from olecranon
Radius IM pin from radial styloid or Lister’s tubercle Tension-band wiring for proximal fixation Possibility of medullary cavity obliteration

13 Case (NJH) Type III, F/4 Marked forearm angulation
Valgization 50, derotation 40

14 Case (NJH) Type III, F/4 Marked forearm angulation Sofield procedure
Valgization 50, derotation 40

15 Case (NJH) Valgization 50, derotation 40

16 Case (KMH) Type III, F / 30 Proximal ulnar angulation
Radial head dislocation Radial head excision Proximal ulnar corrective osteotomy with tension-band wiring Valgization 50, derotation 40

17 Case (LHA) Type III, F/19 Marked forearm angulation
Valgization 50, derotation 40

18 Case (LHA) Type III, F/19 Marked forearm angulation Surgical points
Wedge resection Soft tissue stretching Use of DBM & autoBG Very narrow marrow cavity Valgization 50, derotation 40

19 Case (LHA) Type III, F/19 Marked forearm angulation Surgical points
Wedge resection Soft tissue stretching Use of DBM & autoBG Very narrow marrow cavity Valgization 50, derotation 40

20 Results Subjective functional improvement
But objective evaluation was unavailable. No fracture incurred postoperatively.

21 Complications IM pin back-out: reposition or removal Undercorrection
Did not interfere with bony union Better to push deep within bone Undercorrection Pin loosening and loss of correction: 1 Delayed union: 1

22 Conclusion Deformity correction of the U/E
Functional restoration in adolescent or older patients with severe deformity Prevention of functional deterioration in younger patients with severe disease Correction of cubitus varus is yet to be developed.

23 Thank you for your attention !
The authors acknowledge Ki-Jeong Bae, MD for preparing the slides.

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