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AP World History “The Exam”

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1 AP World History “The Exam”
Understanding the SAQ AP World History “The Exam”

2 First off, lets look at the exam
Section 1 Multiple Choice (40% of exam) 55 questions, 55 minutes Short Answer Questions (20% of exam) 3 questions, 40 minutes Required: Periods (Units) 3-6 Choose between: Periods (Units) 1-3 Periods (Units) 4-6 Section 2 Document Based Question (25% of exam) 1 question, 60 minutes to write (includes 15 minute reading period) Long Essay Question (15% of exam) 1 question (select from 3 options from same theme), 40 minutes to write. Periods (Units) 1-2 Periods (Units) 3-4 Periods (Units) 5-6

3 What is the purpose in the SAQ
The SAQs allow students to use knowledge taught in the course to answer broad questions derived from the Key Concepts. Also assess the students’ use of various Historical Thinking Skills. College Board states: “Students may employ a wide variety of evidence drawn from the particular content of their AP World History course and materials.”

4 So what exactly is the SAQ?
Requires students to accurately answer a question briefly, specifically, and accurately. Generally speaking students are able to answer questions with fewer sentences. Does not require a thesis statement Does require complete sentences Students give enough information to answer the question, but not write an essay.

5 So what exactly is the SAQ?
Limited space (a one page box with 23 lines) in which to write their answers. Anything written outside of the box will not be scored. All 3 parts of the question must be answered. Usually broken into 3 parts a, b, and c. Sometimes part a or part b will have 2 questions within. The entire prompt will always asks 3 questions, so read carefully!

6 How to ACE the SAQ Assertion or claim. Cite specific factual evidence.
Answer all parts of the question. Cite specific factual evidence. Explain how the evidence proves the assertion or claim.

7 Skills and Sources for each question
Both Questions are Required Select one of the Questions Question #1 Periods (Units) 3-6 Skill: Analyzing Secondary Sources Source: Secondary Source Questions #2 Skill: Comparison OR Continuity and Change Over Time Source: Primary Source, text or visual Question #3 Periods (Units) 1-3 Skill: Comparison OR Continuity and Change Over Time Different skill from Question #2 Source: No Source provided Question #4 Periods (Units) 4-6

8 Additional tips for success
Read the question carefully! Annotate the question and rephrase the question as your topic sentence. Do NOT bullet your information. You will earn zero points. Must be in complete sentences. Directly answer the question! Always use the language of the prompt. Pay close attention to what the question is asking of you. Look for key action words such as describe, analyze, identify, explain, etc.

9 Additional tips for success
Answer everything the question asks of you. You may have to do more than one thing such as “identify and explain.” Look for plurals, asking you to do more than one thing. Example: reason vs. reasons or cause vs. causes. If it’s plural you must do 2. Don’t write outside the space provided. But do not panic, you should have enough space. Label A , B, and B for ease of understanding for the Reader. Readers will read the question in such a way as to give you credit where credit is due, but it makes is A LOT easier to understand if you label. It is always a great idea to make things easier for Reader!

10 Sample SAQ Historians have argued that the adoption of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution was one of the most important transformations in human history. Identify and explain ONE positive result of the Neolithic Revolution. Identify and explain ONE negative result of the Neolithic Revolution Identify and explain ONE feature that distinguished the Neolithic Age from the Paleolithic Age

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