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Milltimber Nursery and School

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Presentation on theme: "Milltimber Nursery and School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Milltimber Nursery and School

2 Our Vision Milltimber School and Nursery where all children are involved and have a love for learning, are included, active, engaged, challenged and their creativity is encouraged within our indoor and outdoor environments.

3 We aim to Get It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) by using the Health and Wellbeing Indicators (SHANARRI) to ensure that every child is; Safe Included Healthy Responsible Achieving Nurtured Respected Active

4 Our School and Nursery Values
are at the HEART of our School.

5 Help

6 Enjoy

7 Achieve

8 Respect

9 Trust

10 Nursery and School Charter

11 Working Together To Be the Best We Can Be
Our Motto Working Together To Be the Best We Can Be

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