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RR-TAG Liaison Report IEEE

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1 RR-TAG Liaison Report IEEE 802.11-802.18
January 2005 RR-TAG Liaison Report IEEE 18 Jan 05 Monterey, CA Denis Kuwahara The Boeing Company The Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group is the interface between 802 Wireless Working Groups (802.11) and national and international regulators of radio rules and regulations. It’s function is to respond to inquiries and requests for comments by those regulators, and to propose rules changes that WGs require for their functionality Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

2 January 2005 Radio Regulatory - TAG Liaison - IEEE 802 Wireless WGs - National and International Regulatory Agencies Supports WWGs Spectrum Requirements Tracks regulatory actions and provides advice to regulators to foster effective use of licensed and unlicensed spectrum Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

3 January 2005 Significant Events Meet Consider Reply Comment to TV band NPRM – No challenge to IEEE cmts OfCom (UK) Consultations: License Exempt Allocation cap 7% UWB SG1 formed to develop a standard on Regional Area Networking to utilize spectrum commonly known as the TV broadcast band. This was done to assist FCC in defining usage of this spectrum that they were considering opening to unlicensed service. About the time SG1 was formed, the Commission published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) on usage of this band and invited comments by 1 September 04. The RR-TAG requested the Commission extend the comment deadline, explaining the intent of SG1 and citing the cooperative efforts within the group by members of the incumbent spectrum users and members of 802 WGs in defining acceptable sharing scenarios. SG1 has been approved by the 802 WGs and in the agendas of the New Standards Committee (NesCom) and Review Committee (RevCom) for final approval for becoming WG22 at their meetings in late September. Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

4 OfCom Data Access
January 2005 OfCom Data Access Spect Framework Review Implement. Plan (650K) Ultra Wideband (370K) Go to Next Page: Spectrum Framework Review (7.6M) 18 folder, 05 folder, OfCom_Consultations folder Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

5 Docket Work Rapporteurs Telecon Spectrum Framework – Jim Raab
January 2005 Docket Work Rapporteurs Spectrum Framework – Jim Raab Spectrum Implementation – John Notor UWB – Winston Caldwell Telecon Three scheduled starting 1 Feb 05 In the process of developing comments in response of the NPRM, several impasse points arose within the group. In order to proceed, three classes of service were define and agreed to by the group. It was further agreed that the group would work on commenting to the Commission on Fixed Point to Multipoint service first where consensus was strongest. If time permits and consensus can be attained, the group would provide comments on the other classes, or at least provide information as to the areas of contention in our comments to indicate the challenge in spectrum sharing in those classes of service. Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

6 January 2005 Future Plans Review OfCom consultation documents, comment development via reflector, and conference calls Finalize comments at March 05 meeting Next meeting – Atlanta March 05 Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

7 Questions?
January 2005 Questions? Denis Kuwahara, Boeing

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