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1 ______________________________________________
“One truly only sees clearly with one’s heart.” -Antoine de St. Exupery Mark Twain once said that the difference between the right word and the one that is almost right is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. Try to think of three other word pairs like the one in the sentence above. What do you think the above quote means and place your answer here:__________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Write me one paragraph about yourself on the back of this paper to help me get to know you better. You will need at least 5 sentences and I’d appreciate no more than 10 as I want to read them all by Friday night. If you would like a writing guide, then you can (but you do NOT have to) follow this guide: Sentence 1 - Include your name and whether I’ve had any of your siblings before. Sentence 2 - The second sentence could include how you feel about Language Arts and why you feel that way Sentence 3 – This sentence could include something personal like how many siblings and or pets you have. Sentence 4 could start like this: One random fact about me is that both of my favorite flavors of ice cream are green (pistachio and mint chip). Sentence 5 & 6 – Sum up with something cool you did this summer and how now you are really looking forward to (or dreading?) this class. What are 5 of the most important qualities that you think a teacher should have to be a great Language Arts teacher. Decide on 5 top qualities (usually adjectives). List them below. Ask me what to draw here: ____________________________

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