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Presentation on theme: "        CONFERENCE 2019 LICENSING TASK FORCE."— Presentation transcript:


SHANE HARRIS (Chairperson and FIE Rep) VIJAY NAIDU (CEO / CIC) SERU TAGICAKIBAU (CIU) VIJAY RAGHWAN (MBA) WARREN YEE (Standards) DAVID CRUTE (Project Directors) PETER RANKIN (Architects) SANIL SAMI (Project Managers) SEFTON ERASITO (Quantity Surveyors ) PETER WATTS (Civil/ Roads)

3 Clarity and direction for the task force committee
If the Construction Industry is properly licensed, it will be more responsible, accountable and more professional and this in turn protects customers. Financial protection for banks & Insurance companies. Staff protection through better health and safety practices Compliance with Labour Act, rates of pay, overtime entitlement, FNPF compliance, etc. There will also be Better building standards through protection against poor workmanship and against sub-standard building materials and practices.

4 Clarity and direction for the task force committee
In Fiji, licensing of the construction industry must be led by Government and supported by CIC. It needs to be independent, with solid legal framework and technically qualified people to ensure compliance and enforcement.

5 Clarity and direction for the task force committee
What is our role as Task Force Committee members? What is our main focus? What is the time frame for advanced licensing in Fiji?

6 1. What is our role as task force committee members
Our main role is to represent the construction industry by developing an advanced licensing model in Fiji. The objectives of the working group are: Working closely with Government to develop a licensing model Work with industry to get an alignment with industry Explore alignment and model with an existing licensing platform such as Queensland or NZ Set a timeframe for advancement or licensing in Fiji in alignment with Government objectives

7 The following flowchart is what is currently proposed for this model.
2. what is our main focus Our main focus is to develop a draft licensing and registration document that will be endorsed and supported by Government. To achieve this we first needed to look at the proposed licensing model representing all level of builders in Fiji. The following flowchart is what is currently proposed for this model.


9 2.what is our main focus Tier Rating System for builders and contractors. The current models we are looking at is Queensland which is based on project value. Funding model from Government to support the licensing Review Panel which will include representative from CIC and Government (CIU and MITT) Produce a model (draft) detailing the requirements for registration and licensing of Professional Builders. The draft will be submitted to CIC and its members for endorsement prior to issue to Government for final reviews and sign off.

10 3. What is the time frame for advanced licensing in Fiji
The timeframe proposed will be depending on inputs and support from both government and industry. The following tentative time frame is proposed. Draft Licensing and Registration document to be submitted to CIC for endorsement (6months) Review and Sign off by Government (3-6months) Form part of legislation (To be advised) Finalization of funding model and system within CIC to endorse applications for submission to MITT for issue of licensing (6-12)

11 Vinaka vakalevu

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