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Off to College Night.

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1 Off to College Night

2 Who is your Counselor A – For………….……………….Mrs. Jones
Fos-Maq…………………………Mrs. Fink Mar-PL & 504…………………..Mrs. Murawski Po-SL & Director ……………..Mrs. Flajole Collegiate HS Sm-Z & ESE…………………….Mr. Capalbo ESOL & Academies…..………Mrs. Spence

3 Florida Academic Scholarship
3.5 weighted GPA 16 cr of college prep academic courses 100 hours community service Hours must be on transcript to be awarded scholarship Best “super score” 1290 SAT (Reading & Math ONLY) or 29 ACT Final qualifying SAT/ACT test is in June

4 Florida Medallion Scholarship
3.0 weighted GPA 16 cr of college prep academic courses 75 hours community service Hours must be on transcript to be awarded scholarship Best “super score” 1170 SAT (Reading and Math ONLY) or 26 ACT Final qualifying SAT/ACT test is in June

5 Credits Counted for Bright Futures. FAS & FMS
4 credits English 4 credits Math (Alg 1+) 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 2 credits Foreign Language (same language) TOTAL = 16 Credits * Honors, AP, & DE weighted .5 for every 1 credit. ** Will add up to 3 credits of electives from subjects above.

6 Florida Gold Seal Scholarship
3.0 weighted GPA in 16 core credits Higher math not required No foreign language required 3.5 weighted GPA in 3 credits of a Bright Futures CTE program 30 hours community service Hours must be on transcript to be awarded scholarship Qualifying test scores SAT 440 Reading, 440 Math ACT 17 English, 19 Reading, Math 19 PERT Reading 106, Writing 103, Math 114 Final qualifying test date is June 30

7 Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholarship
Earn a minimum of 5 postsecondary credit hours through CAPE industry certifications which articulate for college credit. AS/AAS BS/BAS (60 credit hrs) 30 hours community service Hours must be on transcript to be awarded scholarship Students who earn 5 CAPE industry certifications will receive notifications in late fall after an official file has been received from FDOE.

8 Credits Counted for Bright Futures Gold Seal
4 credits English 4 credits Math 3 credits Science 3 credits SS (WH, AH, Am Gov’t, & Econ) 1 credit Performing Arts 1 credit HOPE TOTAL = 16 Credits * Honors, AP, & DE weighted .5 for every 1 credit.

Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) 4-Year University $103/semester hr 2-Year College $ 63/semester hr 100% of tuition and applicable fees and $300 for both fall and spring semesters for additional educational expenses. Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS) 4-Year University $77/semester hr 2-Year College $63/semester hr Gold Seal Vocational Scholars (GSV) AS, AAS, CCC $48/semester hr PSAV & ATD $39/semester hr

10 COLLEGE What to do and when?

11 College Prep Timeline 9th & 10th Grade
Start community service Take academically rigorous courses Study for & take the PSAT (practice SAT) Begin researching colleges Summer 9th & th Grade Summer Get involved Maintain a strong GPA Start visiting college campuses

12 College Prep Timeline 11th Grade
Prepare college application essays Sign up and study for PSAT Continue researching colleges Take ACT February 28 at VHS Fall Spring Summer Prepare for College Admissions exams SAT & ACT Register and study for ACT Study for SAT administered at school (March 7, 2018) Visit colleges to make final choices Retake ACT & SAT as needed

13 College Prep Timeline 12th Grade
Last chance to earn Bright Futures qualifying test scores Be aware of deadlines & begin college applications October Apply for Bright Futures Complete FAFSA Summer Fall Spring April May June Research and complete applications for Scholarships by deadlines Turn in Scholarship information for Senior Awards Night May 9 Request final transcript at graduation rehearsal

14 How do I prepare??? The same habits and choices that lead to success in school will help you get ready for the SAT. The best way to prepare for the test is to: Take challenging courses. Do your homework. Prepare for tests and quizzes. Ask and answer lots of questions. In short, take charge of your education and learn as much as you can. October 20, 2015 College Board


16 State College Programs
A.A. Degree program Transferable in whole to university 36 core credits transfer (24 electives) A.S. Two year, Career Education program Check with college for transfer agreement with local university Technical/Vocational Certificate program Career training and certification

17 Dual Enrollment EFSC University
If a student earns the 36-hour general education credits, these credits will be accepted in total by any Florida public institution and no further courses will be required to meet the general education component. EFSC University

18 What & Who are they looking for?
COLLEGE What & Who are they looking for?

19 2017 Freshman Fall Class Profiles
Universities FSU UCF UF USF % of applicants accepted 41% ( %) 45% ( %) 40% ( %) ( %) Middle Range GPA (3.9 – 4.4) 3.7 – 4.3 (same) (4.2 – 4.5) (3.8– 4.3) Middle Range SAT M ( ) R ( ) M ( ) R M ( ) R ( ) M ( ) R ( ) Middle Range ACT w/ Writing 27-31 (26-31) 26-30 (25 – 29) 28-32 (27 – 32) 26- 30

20 Florida State University


22 University of Florida

23 University of South Florida

24 Dates to Remember Seniors Juniors Bright Futures - October 1
FAFSA – October 1 Senior Awards Night - May 9 Graduation – May 19 Juniors SAT at VHS - March 7

25 Dual Enrollment Information Nights

26 Brevard County Schools Financial Aid Workshop
Brevard County District Financial Aid Workshop is January 25, 2018 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm Educational Services Facility Board Room 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way     Viera, FL 32940     Hosted by Florida Institute of Technology Jay Lally-Director of Financial Aid

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