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geometric smearing in GIWAXS / RWAXS

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1 geometric smearing in GIWAXS / RWAXS
h l side view a CCD screen f L top view w y beam height h sample length l incident angle a sample-detector distance L scattering angle y Dx: geometric smearing of diffraction spot Dy: apparent angular smearing (note: this analysis assumes a sharp Bragg reflection) Dy Dx

2 formulae and numbers if l is the length of sample along the beam and h the beam height, the footprint of the beam is given by: f = min{l, h/sin(a)} geometric smearing of the diffracted beam on the detector Dx = (L+f/2) tan(y) – (L-f/2) tan(y) = f tan(y) apparent angular broadening due to smearing Dy = {Dx cos(y)} / {L / sin(y)} = (f/L) tan(y) sin(y) cos(y) conclusion: no problem for GISAXS (y<5°) problem for GIWAXS past 20° solutions: small samples or larger angle of incidence at cost of intensity vertically focused beam (requires focusing mirror)

3 ring doubling at very low incidence
lower regions get “shadowed” as x-rays cannot penetrate bumps any more due to total external reflection Conclusions: Depth profiling below ac is extremely problematic for wavy surfaces.

4 bandwidth smearing total smearing: Dytot = {Dygeo2 + Dybw2}1/2
the D1 multilayer mono has a bandwidth Dl/l of 1.5% Bragg’s law yields: l = 2 d sin(q) and Dl = 2 d cos(q) Dq or Dq = tan(q) Dl/l or in terms of scattering angle y = 2q Dy‘ = 2 tan(y/2) Dl/l total smearing: Dytot = {Dygeo2 + Dybw2}1/2

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