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SAR MEBT Bilbao March Mats Lindroos

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1 SAR MEBT Bilbao 27-28 March Mats Lindroos
Chair of the review committee European Spallation Source ERIC MEBT SAR in Bilbao – March’19

2 System Acceptance Review for the MEBT https://chess. esss. lu
The SAR is meant to be the final technical review of the system as tested before delivery to ESS, Lund. As such, it examines the final technical design and tests of the integrated system. This SAR is for the MEBT. It covers in detail the system readiness of all MEBT beam line and rack components. The buncher RF distribution system and the RF rack components are handled separately. The scope for the review includes: System verification of all MEBT components (magnets, buncher, chopper, collimator and beam instrumentation including their rack components) The IRR Committee conducts this review of design with the authority of ACCSYS Project Leader, Mats Lindroos, and ESS Chief Executive Officer, John Womersley. The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to: the ACCSYS WP3, WP7 Leaders and the ACCSYS management team

3 Agenda

4 Charge Will the MEBT system meet its technical specifications?
Are the interfaces between the various components and subsystems that compose this system completed defined in terms of: a) physical connection – location and type of mating flanges, location and type of power and cable connections, support stands etc. and b) physical parameters (pressure, temperatures, current, voltage, etc.) Have all interfaces between this system and other systems been completely defined and agreed. Are all requirements on the tunnel (like temperature stability, etc) been agreed? Has an integrated control system (both hardware and software) been developed and tested that permits control of the system, collection of data and integration of this system into accelerator operations? Is the planned document delivery in accordance to the In-Kind Agreement in terms of format and scope? Are the alignment requirements agreed upon and can the system components be aligned within these requirements? Have all recommendations from component design reviews been addressed?

5 Review committee Name Organisation Appointment for IRR Mats Lindroos
ESS, Head of Accelerator Division Chairman of the Review Committee Håkan Danared ESS, Linac Group Leader Review Committee member Thomas Shea ESS, Beam Instrumentation Section Leader Mamad Eshraqi ESS, Beam Physics Mario Perez ESS Bilbao, Executive Director Fabien Rey ESS, Survey, Alignment & Metrology Group Leader Reviewer Marcelo Juni Ferreira ESS, Vacuum Systems Leader Edgar Sargsyan ESS, WP3 Deputy Leader Ibon Bustinduy ESS Bilbao, Project Leader Bjorn Rundcrantz ESS, mechn. quality Stefan Arvidsson ESS, electr. quality Karl Vestin ESS, ICS Georg Hulla WP3 installation leader Observer Laurence Page Vacuum and procedure to connect to the LEBT and the MEBT Pedro Gonzalez ESS-BILBAO / Tech. Director ESS-BILBAO / PM Presenter Giles Harper ESS-BILBAO / LPS Javier Martin ESS-BILBAO / Mech. Assembly Alignment Alexander Conde Aitor Zugazaga ESS-BILBAO / Vacuum Juan Luis Muñoz ESS-BILBAO / QUAD David Fernandez Nagore Garmendia ESS-BILBAO / BUNCHER Seadat Varnasseri ESS-BILBAO / PBI Angel R. Páramo Idoia Mazkiaran ESS-BILBAO / Control Igor Rueda ESS-BILBAO / Mech. Roberto San Martin ESS-BILBAO / COUPLER Arturo Ortega ESS-BILBAO / EBW Janet Schmidt MEBT machine section coordination ESS Joao Paulo Martins ESS, ICS, Control System Integrator Clement Derrez ESS, Beam Instrumentation (non-Bilbao contribuition)

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