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Animalia Vertebrates.

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1 Animalia Vertebrates

2 Animals Animals are spilt into two major groups: Vertebrates


4 Vertebrates Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Tetrapoda Aves
These are animals with a backbone. There are six groups of vertebrates: Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Tetrapoda Amphibians Reptiles Aves Mammalia

5 Agnatha Jaws are absent. Paired fins are generally absent.
In most cases the skeleton is cartilaginous. The digestive system lacks a stomach. Includes: Lampreys Hagfishes

6 Chondrichthyes Lack true bone Have a skeleton made of cartilage
May have calcified teeth and bone but these are structurally different to true bone Have jaws with teeth Lays eggs (oviparous) or give birth to live young (viviparous) Have paired fins Live in water Mostly marine, 5% live in freshwater Includes: Sharks Skates rays

7 Rays vs skates Rays One lobed pelvic fin Usually have dorsal fins
Stinging spine Skates Two lobed pelvic fin No dorsal fins No stinging spine

8 Osteichthyes Bony fishes Have true ossified bone
Usually have some form of skull Wet scales Most have swim bladders Two major groups: Ray finned & lobe finned

9 Wet vs dry scales Wet scales Dry scales Aquatic organisms: fish
Are derived from skin May contain bone and enamel May grow in concentric layers Are “designed” to reduce drag through water Dry scales On reptiles, arthropods and birds Are generally ridged Can be derived from hair Are usually keratinous Are to prevent wear from friction

10 Tetrapoda Includes amphibia and reptilia Are four legged vertebrates
have evolved into mammals Pentadactyl limb

11 Commonality in Tetrapods

12 Amphibia Have moist skin Lay jelly coated eggs in water
Lives on land and water Evolution of lungs Two circuit circulatory system Undergo metamorphosis Includes: Frogs & toads Salamanders newts

13 Frogs vs Toads Order Anura Longer jumping legs Eggs in clusters
Moist, smooth skin Prefer moist environments Have vomerine teeth in upper jaw Eyes bulge Order Anura Shorter walking or hopping legs Eggs in chains Some give birth to live young Dry bumpy skin Dryer environments No teeth Eyes don’t bulge

14 Mexican Walking fish (axolotl)
Is not a fish but an amphibian Undergoes a condition called Neoteny Is a reduced rate of development to the point where the juvenile doesn’t develop into an adult The adult stage retains the form of the juvenile. The axolotl is a large tadpole. In some cases the axolotl will metamorphose into an adult version similar to a tiger salamander

15 Reptilia Have dry scales
Lay leathery shelled eggs (some species give birth to live young) Some have a form of placenta All have lungs Cold blooded Includes: Turtles & tortoises Crocodilians Lizards Tuatara (NZ)

16 Evolution of Bipedalism
Graviportal Mediportal Cursorial

17 Aves Have feathers and hollow bones Lay hard shelled eggs Warm blooded
Skeleton approximately 5% of total weight (humans approx. 15%) Feathers weigh approximately 6% of total weight Lay hard shelled eggs Warm blooded No teeth* Highly advanced respiratory system Includes:


19 Mammalia Hair Mammary glands teeth Auditory ossicles Neocortex
Four chambered heart Sweat glands Most give birth to live offspring (vivparous) Warm blooded


21 Kangaroos vs Wallabies
Are both macropods (f. macropodidae) Primarily size-based Kangaroos – longer legs for speed Wallabies – shorter legs for manoeuvrability Different dentition and head shape Kangaroos tend to have dull coats

22 Summary of Vertebrates (Chordata)

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