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Empowering Members to Know Your Health & Own Your Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering Members to Know Your Health & Own Your Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering Members to Know Your Health & Own Your Health

2 Challenge Solution UK Preventable ill-health accounts for an estimated 50% of all GP appointments, 64% of outpatient appointments and 70% of all inpatient bed days. 12.5 million people in England alone have high blood pressure, with an estimated 5.5 million people living undiagnosed. Up to 40% of people with a diabetes have a co-morbid behavioural health disorder, raising total health care costs by at least 45% for each person. We need to screen and treat across co-morbid conditions. UK medical staff shortages – 2018 in public sector alone shortage of more than 100,000 staff. With projections of rising to a minimum of 250,000 by 2030, with a worst case forecast of 350,000 by 2030 Supporting good health and prevention… 80% of chronic diseases can be avoided People are striving to be healthier… we help them KNOW THEIR HEALTH & OWN THEIR HEALTH

3 Solution Solution 5 Years Multi-Discipline Physician Lead R&D
Mobile first Bio-metric Health Screening, diagnostics, reporting, referrals across all physical & behavioural health areas Evidence based (NICE, WHO) Time saving tools for health providers driving clinical efficiency Rich data analysis across multiple population groups NOW ability to move beyond snapshot in time to life-time value screening, diagnostics, referral, blended care including digital therapeutics 90% Time Saving for doctors 50% Time saving for nurses Up to 90% Time saving for admin teams

4 Who we can help ! Corporate Employee Benefits General Practitioners
NHS Insurance Sector Private Hospitals Pharmacy Networks Private Hospitals Occupational Health

5 Solution One of our Customers We work with Cornmarket to deliver their
Breast and Prostrate Programme to their 30K+ Members Solution Use Imager from Cornmarket


7 6,617 15 206 15 men had a very significant prostate cancer diagnosis
Invited Across the programme lives were saved GP assessments 1,498 Of the 206 men biopsied, 15 men had a very significant prostate cancer diagnosis Referrals for further tests (MRI/biopsy) 206 15 diagnosed with cancer of Blue Power members rated the programme very good – excellent

8 12 12 women had a very significant breast cancer diagnosis 23,383
Invited Across the programme lives were saved GP assessments 1,498 Of the 1,612 women biopsied, 12 women had a very significant breast cancer diagnosis Referrals for further tests (MRI/biopsy) 1,612 12 diagnosed with cancer 90% of women are now confident to check themselves

9 100% of Men would recommend Service
90% Women Breast Check confidence Education and Awareness 90% Men Recommend Service as Excellent/V. Good Spike in Breast Check confidence pre Pink Power 40% post Pink Power 90% 90% of men recommended this service a EXCELLENT or VERY GOOD 100% of Men would recommend this service to a friend 100% of Men would recommend Service

10 Solution How it Works Full Health Medical build specific programs targeting problem areas. Our team manage the process from start to finish Inviting your members to the program with Marketing collateral Screen by providing a list of locations across the UK Diagnose via Medical Professionals nationwide Refer to relevant hospitals Change image to report

11 NEW – From a Snapshot in time to Life Time Value with Referrals
1 2 3 4 FHM Screening products are issued to clients through a web link /website (group code or personal priority code available) Participant registers online, books their appointment, chooses their programme, pays, and completes medical history Measurements and diagnostics taken at the clinic/ onsite and automated to FHM Health repository FHM medically intelligent solution prepares detailed report based on history, measurements and blood tests 5 6 7 Secondary care team capture service history on FHM ensuring FHM is 360 degree patient information hub, while providing transparency for Payers on service provision, timing etc.. Your doctor reviews patient FHM medical and adds final notes as necessary FHM facilitates referral based on GP Assessment to secondary care

12 Add Value, Drive Retention and Reduce Cost Across Your Member Base….
Early detection across Chronic Illness and Behavioural Health disorders proven to reduce ongoing cost of care Move from Point in Time Health Screening to Lifetime Value Screening and Care paths Optimise Clinical resources with a machine driven solution Access population/disease specific data to improve, preventive ongoing healthcare People are striving to be healthier… help them KNOW THEIR HEALTH & OWN THEIR HEALTH Next Steps People are striving to be healthier… we help them KNOW THEIR HEALTH & OWN THEIR HEALTH Supporting good health and prevention… 80% of chronic diseases can be avoided

13 Canterbury House, 1 Royal Street, SE1 7LL
Questions Canterbury House, 1 Royal Street, SE1 7LL

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