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Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century

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1 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
Having FUN!!!!! We are the DX!!!!! Working DX!!!!!

2 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
Objectives of the Event: Encourages Idaho Hams to Get On The Air Offers an Opportunity for “Outsiders” to work Idaho Allows Idaho Stations to be “DX, for a Day” Goal: Have Fun!

3 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
Mobile Operations: “County Hunters” Love QSO Parties There are 44 Counties in Idaho (many with only a handful of Hams) Idaho QSO Party Rules encourage “Mobile” or “Rover” Stations Rovers May Operate in Multiple Counties (and on County lines!) Rovers Located on County Line May log two QSO’s (1 for each County) Mini-Dxpeditions are also encouraged (sponsors will give prospective expeditions tips on “needed” counties)

4 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
About the Rules: Available at Rules Format: Objectives, Contest Period, Operator Category, Power Category, Scoring, Log Submission

5 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
A few More Details: Always the Second Full Weekend of March From 1900Z on Saturday thru 1859Z on Sunday Same weekend as changeover to Daylight Savings Time (“stay on Zulu time for the weekend”)

6 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
Future Plans: Continue to refine (and simplify) event Rules Shorten log submission period (15 days?) Shorten log checking period & winner announcements (15 days?) Become a “World Class” operating event

7 Idaho QSO Party in the 21st Century
Past Sponsors: Ed Campbell (NX7TT), Founding Sponsor, “retired” 2008 Kootenai Amateur Radio Society (KARS) joined as Sponsor in 2009 ARRL SM Ed Stuckey (AI7H) joined as Sponsor in 2009 John Wilson (KØIP) joined as Webmaster in 2009 (Club Sponsor TVRA as of 2018)

8 Idaho QSO Party “Flow Chart”
Second weekend of March Pre-Event Publicity Begins 120 days before Event Log Submission Period Days after Event Log “Evaluation” 1 – 45 Days after Event Prep for Future Year Rules changes Processing improvements New Ideas for Event Begins 9 Months before event Summarize Results And Post to Web Page (Within 45 Days after Event) Rest Period! (maybe) Recognition Certificates To all participants (Within 60 Days after Event)

9 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 1. By 12/30 of “preceding year” (12/30/18 for IDQP 19) Make updates to IDQP rules as needed Make sure Log mailbox is valid and accessible Inform ‘Contest Calendar’ of upcoming event 2. By 02/01 of event year (optional Publicity) Ask ARRL Section Manager to send an announcement bulletin Send an to past year participants encouraging their participation 3. By 03/01 of event year Have team of IDQP log evaluators ready (more, next slide)

10 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 4. Immediately Following Event Access Log mailbox, copy logs to “IDQP Folder” Preliminary evaluation of logs (readable,right event, right dates) Detailed evaluation of logs (Number of QSO’s, Number of Multipliers) Post logs to Excel “Intake” workbook Capture “soapbox” comments and pictures, send to IDQP webmaster 5. By 30 Days After Event Organize results for posting to IDQP Web Page, send to Webmaster Write a brief recap of the event, send to Webmaster Create and send Participation Certificate for each Participant 6. By Six Months After Event Review participant suggestions or complaints Revise event rules to include new ideas (recommend “take it slow”)

11 Now For The Details Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
1. By 12/30 of “preceding year” (12/30/18 for IDQP 19) Make updates to IDQP rules as needed. Rules are located at Make sure Log mailbox is valid and accessible. Current mailbox name located at Inform ‘Contest Calendar’ of upcoming event. The “Official” Contest Calendar is maintained by Bruce Horn (WA7BNM). (He also supplies QST Magazine with event dates). for Bruce is (more, next slide)

12 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 2. By 02/01 of event year (optional Publicity) Ask ARRL Section Manager to send an announcement bulletin Send an to past year participants encouraging their participation 3. By 03/01 of event year Have team of IDQP log evaluators ready (more, next slide)

13 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 4. Immediately Following Event Access Log mailbox, read the mail. Most participants say little or nothing in their , but include an attachment, like “K7ABC.LOG” Download this attachment to your computer move or copy to an IDQP folder like “IDQP19”. SOME participants include “Soapbox Comments” and pictures with their log. Save these to a folder for Inclusion in internet report. After completing this activity, move the participant to an folder like “IDQP19”. (Clears the in-box and saves the original in case you need to look at it). Create and maintain an “IDQP19-Intake” Excel File (see IDQP18-Intake.xlsx as an example). (You can copy that one and re-use). Post Date Log Received; Time; Call Sign; in sequence of order received (You will build on this file in future steps). (more, next page)

14 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 4. Immediately Following Event Also, Create and maintain one or more IDQP Log analysis workbooks. (In 2018, we had IDQP Log Analysis – Book 1, through Book 5) Number and Name the tabs of the Log analysis with Call signs of participants, in the same order as they were received. Copy Text file received from participant in to position (A:1) in corresponding tab of Log analysis workbook. (See IDQP Log Analysis – Book 1 from 2018). (I put a max of 20 tabs in the Log Analysis workbook, although it would be Possible to put all logs in the same workbook). (Time saver: when you complete Book 1, File>Save as Book 2. Change tab numbers to range of with associated Call signs)

15 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 5. By 30 Days After Event Organize results for posting to IDQP Web Page You can copy the Intake file to a new Tab, then sort that Tab (By Idaho/Not Idaho; by Power level; by score) Normally you can do this about two weeks after event as almost All participants will have sent in their logs. “Squeeze in” late logs. Copy the Results to a fresh workbook, send to Webmaster Write a brief recap of the event, send to Webmaster Create and send Participation Certificate for each Participant (Decide what “recognition” to put on all Certificates before writing them) (You may want to change the Certificate form / format to TVRA Taste)

16 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
The Idaho QSO Party “Event Cycle” 6. By Six Months After Event Review participant suggestions or complaints Revise event rules to include new ideas (recommend “take it slow”) (It can be confusing to participants if you make real big changes in The next year)

17 Mechanics of Sponsoring the Idaho QSO Party
Trouble Spots 1. Incorrect or Unreadable Logs (Wrong dates, wrong event, can’t open log) 2. Logs in “ADIF” Format You can read small logs “by hand” Use Google to find ADIFmaster online. Download and use on large logs “Unknowns” 1. Will future ARRL Section Manager continue “Sponsorship”? 2. Will TVRA continue relationship with current Webmaster, or will you Want to “Do It Yourself”? (cost, relationship with webmaster) “Unknown Unknowns” Contact Ed (AI7H) for possible assistance

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