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The nMRCGP curriculum A proposal from the Yorkshire Deanery Curriculum Group Paul Robinson leads from the Deanery.

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Presentation on theme: "The nMRCGP curriculum A proposal from the Yorkshire Deanery Curriculum Group Paul Robinson leads from the Deanery."— Presentation transcript:

1 The nMRCGP curriculum A proposal from the Yorkshire Deanery Curriculum Group Paul Robinson leads from the Deanery

2 The GPR 3 year programme 2 years in specialisms: ST1 and ST2
1 year in general practice ST3 Some schemes will have innovative posts half GP/ half specialism

3 ST1and 2: agendas Orientate new GPR’s to general practice; keep in touch with GP during these years Preparing the GPR to hit the ground running for the GP year to pass the CSA Acquiring knowledge and skills relation to the nMRCGP specialism curriculum to take and pass AKT at end ST2

4 ST1and 2: agendas Orientate new GPR’s to general practice; keep in touch with GP during these years Preparing the GPR to hit the ground running for the GP year to pass the CSA Acquiring knowledge and skills relation to the nMRCGP specialism curriculum to take and pass AKT at end ST2

5 ST1and 2: agendas Orientate new GPR’s to general practice; keep in touch with GP during these years Preparing the GPR to hit the ground running for the GP year to pass the CSA Acquiring knowledge and skills relation to the nMRCGP specialism curriculum to take and pass AKT at end ST2

6 ST1and 2: agendas Provide educational supervision
Predominantly service commitment Covering the curriculum for the jobs GPR’s will not have in their rotations Assessment

7 ST1and 2: agendas Provide educational supervision
Predominantly service commitment Covering the curriculum for the jobs GPR’s will not have in their rotations Assessment

8 ST1and 2: agendas Provide educational supervision
Predominantly service commitment Covering the curriculum for the jobs GPR’s will not have in their rotations Assessment

9 ST1and 2: agendas Provide educational supervision
Predominantly service commitment Covering the curriculum for the jobs GPR’s will not have in their rotations Assessment

10 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
Abandon HDR for ST1 and 2 Have study blocks written into GPR’s contracts: a block every 6 months. Range of educational events to cover the nMRCGP specialisms curriculum: deanery level organisation, resources from VTS’s

11 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
Abandon HDR for ST1 and 2 Have study blocks written into GPR’s contracts: a block every 6 months. Range of educational events to cover the nMRCGP specialisms curriculum: deanery level organisation, resources from VTS’s

12 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
Abandon HDR for ST1 and 2 Have study blocks written into GPR’s contracts: a block every 6 months. Range of educational events to cover the nMRCGP specialisms curriculum: deanery level organisation, resources from VTS’s

13 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
One compulsory block on consultations skills to prepare for ST3 4-6 weekly facilitated peer group sessions Each GPR will have an educational supervisor for the 3 years- their trainer in ST3?

14 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
One compulsory block on consultations skills to prepare for ST3 4-6 weekly facilitated peer group sessions Each GPR will have an educational supervisor for the 3 years- their trainer in ST3?

15 ST1 and 2 : proposed solutions
One compulsory block on consultations skills to prepare for ST3 4-6 weekly facilitated peer group sessions Each GPR will have an educational supervisor for the 3 years- their trainer in ST3?

16 ST1 and 2: assessment GPR is responsible for getting their assessments completed There will be an electronic portfolio RITA will occur at end 6 mnth posts and completed by hospital specialist supervisor There should be formal assessment of each piece of learning included in the portfolio

17 ST1 and 2: assessment GPR is responsible for getting their assessments completed There will be an electronic portfolio RITA will occur at end 6 mnth posts and completed by hospital specialist supervisor There should be formal assessment of each piece of learning included in the portfolio

18 ST1 and 2: assessment GPR is responsible for getting their assessments completed There will be an electronic portfolio RITA will occur at end 6 mnth posts and completed by hospital specialist supervisor There should be formal assessment of each piece of learning included in the portfolio

19 ST1 and 2: assessment GPR is responsible for getting their assessments completed There will be an electronic portfolio RITA will occur at end 6 mnth posts and completed by hospital specialist supervisor There should be formal assessment of each piece of learning included in the portfolio

20 ST3 agenda Passing CSA Completing the WPBA
Obtaining a satisfactory trainers report Preparation for independent practice

21 ST3 essential attributes to be a GP: integration
Contextual: person, family, community, culture and beliefs Attitudes: values and ethics Scientific approach: critical and research based approach, continuing learning and quality improvement

22 ST3 possible solutions Weekly HDR in small stable facilitated groups
Emphasis on communication and problem solving skills, attitudes, values and ethics, critical thinking- they will have passed the AKT! Educational supervision; the electronic portfolio 3 monthly review in WPBA process

23 The big changes GPR will be responsible for their learning and completing their assessments to a clear timetable. No AKT/WPBA/CSA/TR = no job. More will fail. The electronic portfolio means we will know what happened in other posts They will arrive in practice with a higher knowledge base The practice year will be about integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes to be a GP

24 The big changes VTS’s through Deaneries could combine to deliver learning opportunities in ST1 and 2 VTS’s could deliver learning opportunities in a HDR release format in ST3 by organising stable facilitated groups. Trainers could take on the role of educational supervisors for GPR’s not yet in their practices

25 The big changes The assessment role will increase
The teaching role may change: the HDR/ practice teaching roles and responsibilities will have to be more clearly described and allocated We will have to acquire the skills to manage the tensions of the formative/ summative assessment interface in a creative way to enrich out roles as trainers rather than rip out our enthusiasm

26 Issues for trainers Weekly tutorials: what will they be for? What will the practice contribute vs the HDR e.g. consultations skills Clinical skills emphasis in CSA- are we good enough to teach them? Trainers as assessors: can we do it?- quality assurance Trainers as assessors vs trainer as teacher/ coach/mentor/educational supervisor.

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