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A decade of Latin-American experience with HPV prevention

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1 A decade of Latin-American experience with HPV prevention
Dr. Pablo Elmassian

2 Trends in ICC incidence: LATAM and Caribbean countries
New cases per year Deaths per year

3 Trends in ICC deaths: LATAM and Caribbean countries 2010-2100

4 HPV Vaccines WHO Position Paper
HPV vaccines should be introduced as a part of a coordinated strategy to prevent cervical and other HPV-related diseases: Education, Information, Screening programmes

5 INTEGRAL PROGRAM Primary prevention VACCINE Secondary Prevention

6 Countries with HPV vaccine in the national immunization programme 2017
Introduced* to date 86 countries (40%) (74 countries or 38.1%) Not Available, Not Introduced/No Plans (120 countries or 61.9%) 114 countries (60%) * Includes partial introduction Not applicable Data source: WHO/IVB Database, as of 09 August 2017 Map production Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB), World Health Organization

7 12 LAC have National Vaccination Programmes

8 LAC: Vaccination Policies I
All LAC prioritize vaccination among adolescents girls cohorts aged 9-14 years with one-year and several years birth cohorts Three countries have included adolescent boys as a secondary target group Delivery strategy is focused in health centers, school-based strategy or a combination of both

9 Vaccination Policies II
Most countries are using tetravalent vaccine Most countries switched to a two-dose schedule All countries have implemented VAERS

10 Vaccination Coverage Coverage for the first dose started high and decreased with subsequent cohorts A decline in coverage between the first and second dose in most countries Coverage with 3 doses: 75% Panama ( ) and 73,5% Peru ( )

11 Men and Women, from 11 to 26 years with
HPV Immunization Strategy in Argentina 2011 Introduction to NIP for 11 years girls born after 2000 2014 Switch to quadrivalent vaccine 2015 Switch to 2 doses 2017 Introduction to NIP for 11 years boys born after2006 Men and Women, from 11 to 26 years with HIV and transplanted

12 Vaccination strategies
Immunization in schools Immunization in Health Centers

13 HPV Vaccination Coverage: Argentina 2011-2016

14 VAERS HPV: Argentina 2011-2016 Number of dosis administered: 3.883.178
Serious: 11 8 seizures secondary to vasovagal syncope 1 generalized rash 2 bronchospasm 100% full recovery

15 Colombia: “Carmen de Bolivar Episode”
2012: 1st 97,5%, 2nd 96,7%, 3rd 87,1% 2013: 91,4% of 2.4 millions After the “Carmen de Bolivar episode”the coverage decreased to a mere 20.4% by the end of 2014. 2012: 1st 97,5%, 2nd 96,7%, 3rd 87,1% 2013: 91,4% of 2.4 millions

16 Safety of HPV Vaccine: GACVS (WHO)
Since licensure in 2006 > 270 million doses No association between HPV vaccine and GBS  risk of anaphylaxis: 1,7 cases per million doses  syncope: a common anxiety or stress-related reaction to the injection No evidence for a causal association between HPV vaccine and: CRPS-POTS- premature ovarian insufficiency- primary ovarian failure, and venous thromboembolism, autoimmune issues

17 Vaccination and Laboratory Centers in BA City

Objectives:Describe the characteristics of assisted patients and relate de requirement for medical assistance with vaccination or having a laboratory study Population: 1142 assisted patients over a total of at Stamboulian Medical Centers from 3/2010 to 12/2012 Age of assisted patients: Mean: 21,8 years Median: 16 years

19 Results I 1142 assisted patients: Most women: 71,5%
56,65% vaccinated 43,34% laboratory practice Most women: 71,5% Main reasons for medical assistance: 84% lipothymia, 8% dizziness, 3,3% syncope,

20 Results II More applied vaccines in assisted patients post vaccination
DTPa 212 HPV 289 Meningococcal cuadrivalent 136 Conclusions: Adolescent and female patients required assistance more frequently There was a statistically significant difference in favor of the patients who attended the laboratory on those who attended for vaccines.

21 A call to Action: Overcoming Barriers
Limited knowledge of HPV, HPV related diseases, and features of the HPV vaccine Misguided safety concerns by parents and targeted population for HPV vaccine Cultural barriers

22 A call to Action: Overcoming Barriers
The key to reach high HPV vaccination coverage is to promote the integrated alliance of 3 areas: Health Education Communication

23 Thank you

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