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Chrysanthemum White Rust

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Presentation on theme: "Chrysanthemum White Rust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chrysanthemum White Rust
by Jane Trolinger, Ph.D Yoder Brothers, Inc.

2 Today’s Topics Chrysanthemum White Rust (CWR) can impact chrysanthemum production How to recognize the symptoms/signs How to protect your crops

3 Chrysanthemum White Rust (Puccinia horiana)

4 Importance of Chrysanthemum White Rust
Can spread rapidly in a greenhouse or nursery resulting in severe losses NO evidence/proof of establishment in US and Canada; a quarantine-significant disease in both countries Introduction from overseas is a significant impact to chrysanthemum industry in US and Canada

5 First symptoms are yellow spots on upper leaf surfaces up to 4 mm diameter

6 Prominent pustules subsequently develop on lower surface of leaves

7 Pustules begin as pinkish buff

8 Pustules turn waxy white

9 Upper and lower leaf surfaces

10 Close up of mature pustule

11 Pustules Most common on young leaves and flower bracts
Can be found on any green tissue and flowers; this is a way CWR can move on cut flowers


13 Host Range 12 species of chrysanthemum susceptible
Pot mums, cut mums, and garden mums Chrysanthemum morifolium, Dendranthema X grandiflorum (correctly called Chrysanthemum) Nippon daisy or Montauk daisy Nipponanthemum nipponicum Ajania pacifica or Chrysanthemum pacificum Giant daisy or High daisy Leucanthemella serotina, Chrysanthemum serotinum Click here for USDA Host Range (Appendix VI) (See page 19) Note: When opening links from this Webinar, close the link after viewing -- and before you try to open the next link!

Spores float through the air, or are carried by humans or by water, from an infected plant or flower to a new plant or flower Two kinds of spores: Teliospores Basidiospores Why is that important?

15 Teliospores – the survivors
Can last for 8 weeks on dried leaves! They survive only one week if infected tissue is buried under soil – so bury your cull piles! Are produced in pustules and remain in pustules unless they are aggressively brushed off Produce the basidiospores when conditions are moist for 3 hours (optimum temperature = 63F)

16 Basidiospores – the reproducers
Can cause epidemic if conditions are right Spread from plant to plant by splashing water and human handling Must have film of water on plant surface for infection Infection (host penetration) can occur in 2 hours at optimum temperature of 63°F Can travel short distances (about 1/2 mile) by wind currents during moist weather Survive: --only 5 minutes when relative humidity is 80% --and less than 60 minutes when relative humidity is 90%



19 Probable sources of CWR for US and Canada
Imported infected chrysanthemum cut flowers Smuggled infected chrysanthemum material

20 How do we keep white rust out of the US and Canada?
White rust prevention system required by USDA in countries exporting cut flowers to U.S. Inspection of chrysanthemum cut flowers at U.S. ports of entry (note: no inspection in Canada) Quarantine of imported propagation material (cuttings) into U.S. Click here for more details

21 White Rust Prevention within the US and Canada
Plant ONLY cuttings from reputable commercial source Scout crop regularly from stick to sale Imported flowers should never be handled in or near mum-growing facilities!! -They can be infected and not show symptoms or signs Maintain low humidity and dry foliage Schedule regular applications of preventive fungicides if you are in an area where CWR has been previously reported

22 Preventive Fungicides
Heritage (azoxystrobin) Daconil Ultrex (chlorothalonil) Cygnus (kresoxim-methyl) Dithane 75 DF (mancozeb) Strike (triadimefon) Terraguard (triflumizole) Do not use Eagle or Hoist (myclobutanil) as preventives; myclobutanil is an eradicant. If you are in a high risk area and conditions are favorable for CWR, we recommend a prevention program (described in CWR Bulletin). Click here for spray schedule (See page 5)

23 If you find white rust Report it: this is the law
Inform USDA, CFIA, state, or county regulatory officials Regulatory officials will supervise eradication and treatment program

24 Why is it important to report chrysanthemum white rust?
Make sure losses are minimized Try to keep it from spreading in the chrysanthemum industry Collect data on the location of the finds and document information about the disease spread to maximize prevention for the future

25 Eradication and treatment program
Infected nursery (chrysanthemums) will receive an Emergency Action Notice preventing shipment until declared “free” Required destruction of symptomatic plants and the surrounding one-meter radius Three treatments, at 5-7 day intervals, with eradicant fungicide (myclobutanil = Hoist, Eagle) Final inspection 5-7 days after 3rd treatment; if no CWR, plants released for sale THIS CAN BE COSTLY! Click for US National Protocols

26 Brown Rust or Chrysanthemum Rust is distinct from White Rust
Puccinia tanaceti Present in U.S. Rarely causes heavy losses Chocolate brown pustules

27 In Conclusion EXCLUDE PREVENT ERADICATE Click Here for CWR Bulletin

28 Photo credits 10 John Dooley, USDA, APHIS
3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Pennsylvania Dept of Agric and USDA, APHIS (permission Anwar Rizvi) 9 J. L. Peterson 18, 26 Margery Daughtrey

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