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Is It Head Lice?.

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Presentation on theme: "Is It Head Lice?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is It Head Lice?

2 What You’ll Learn Today
What are head lice? Where do head lice come from? How do I know I have head lice? How do I remove head lice? I’m Dr. Itchy. And I’m here to help you learn about head lice!


4 What Are Head Lice? Head lice are bugs that feed on humans.
They live on your head.

5 What Are Head Lice? They are really small like a sesame seed.
They are colored like your hair. They are hard to see.

6 What Are Head Lice? An adult lays eggs called nits.
Nits are glued to your hair.

7 What Are Head Lice? Nits hatch in 7 to 10 days.
A baby turns into an adult in 9 to 12 days. The adult lice lays nits, and the cycle continues.

8 Where Do Head Lice Come From?
Head lice have been around a long time. They move from head-to-head through contact. They crawl fast but don’t jump, hop or fly.

9 Where Do Head Lice Come From?
You do NOT get head lice from: Being dirty A dirty house A dog or cat

10 How do I know I have Head Lice?
Head lice can cause your head to itch. Head lice can be seen in your hair. The school nurse or a doctor can confirm if you have head lice.


12 How Do I Remove Head Lice?
Your parent can help you remove head lice by treating and combing your hair. Your parent should talk with a health care provider about product options they can use to treat the head lice.

13 How Do I Remove Head Lice?
Your parent should comb your hair very carefully to remove the head lice and nits. It may be boring and may hurt a little bit but it will take time to find and remove them all. If a nit hatches, it could make more head lice.

14 How Do I Remove Head Lice?
When you think the head lice are gone, your parents will re-check your head to see if you can go back to class. Parents

15 Lets Play a Game

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