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Annual trend in road transport collision fatalities in the populations (A) 1–14 years and (B) 15–19 years in Ireland 1990–2015 (3-year moving averages),

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1 Annual trend in road transport collision fatalities in the populations (A) 1–14 years and (B) 15–19 years in Ireland 1990–2015 (3-year moving averages), subdivided by gender. Annual trend in road transport collision fatalities in the populations (A) 1–14 years and (B) 15–19 years in Ireland 1990–2015 (3-year moving averages), subdivided by gender. BAC, blood alcohol concentration; CRS, child restraint systems. Cliona McGarvey, Dr et al. bmjpo 2019;3:e000361 © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

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