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Ch 13 The Enlightenment.

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1 Ch 13 The Enlightenment

2 Bellringer: Friday 1. John Locke 2. Montesquieu 3. Thomas Hobbes.
In one sentence describe the philosophies of the following people:  1. John Locke 2. Montesquieu 3. Thomas Hobbes.

3 Success Criteria I can identify the Enlightenment beliefs of Voltaire, Rosseau, and Wollstonecraft.

4 Philosophies of France
1700’s France became known for Philosophers. Most philosophers were writers, teachers & journalists. They supported scientific discovery, Freedom of Speech and the right to liberty.

5 Voltaire Voltaire was a great thinker of the enlightenment.
He opposed the gov’t favoring one religion. He criticized the Catholic Church for keeping knowledge from the people. Voltaire believed in Deism. God created the universe and allowed it to run on Natural Law.


7 Diderot's Encyclopedia
1700’s Denis Diderot produced a 28 volume Encyclopedia. Topics included religion, gov’t, science, history & art. Diderot questioned traditional ways and supported Religious freedom.

8 Women & the Enlightenment
1700’s, Women began to call for equal rights. 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft wrote, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She stated that women should have the same rights as men.

9 Rousseau Swiss thinker that questioned some of the ideas of
The Enlightenment. 1762 he published, The Social Contract Everyone in society accepts being governed by the general will. What society as a whole wants, should be law.

10 Absolute Monarchs Many thinkers called for controls on the Gov’t.
Most countries had monarchs that claimed power by “the Will of God.” (Divine Right) They tried to improve society, but refused to give up any power.


12 France's Sun King 1643 – Louis XIV, The Sun King came to power.
Built the Grand Versailles for ceremonies. He held all power, “I am the State” Wars cost money and many soldiers leaving France weakened.



15 German Rulers Fredrick the Great, 1740 – 1786 Strengthened &
Expanded Prussia. “First servant of the State” 1740, Ruler Maria Theresa brought reforms to improve daily life. 1780 her son Joseph II freed the serfs and make taxes equal. Opposed by nobles and backed down.

16 Russia's Czars Peter the Great wanted Russia to be a European Power.
Peter fought with Sweden for land to the Baltic Sea. Built St. Petersburg which became capital in 1712. 1762 Catherine the Great took power and expanded Russia. Catherine supported the Enlightenment, but a serf Revolt changed some of her thinking.




20 ExiT TICKET Create an Enlightenment book for the following people:
John Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Thomas Hobbes, Rosseau, and Wollstonecraft. Include: 1. Enlightenment Beliefs                2. Major Published Works

21 Bellringer: Monday 1. Voltaire 2. Rosseau 3. Wollstonecraft.
In one sentence describe the philosophies of the following people:  1. Voltaire 2. Rosseau 3. Wollstonecraft.

22 Bellringer: Tuesday

23 Bellringer: Wednesday

24 Bellringer: Thursday

25 Bellringer: Friday

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