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Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council

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1 Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council
2018 Village Survey Report to Council 7th November 2018

2 Methodology Survey forms delivered end May 2018, Responses June – August 2018, 37 responses received (approx. 50% of households) 37 households, 87 people : 57% over 50 years old, 43% 50 or under ‘Topics important to your household ?’ Countryside issues/Litter/Appearance of the Parish Housing Community Services Energy/recycling/Energy saving Crime/Vandalism/Anti-social behaviour Traffic/Road safety/Parking Keeping people informed etc Shopping/Post/Bulk oil buying Transport/Buses/Car schemes Public spaces/Outdoor leisure/Sports Indoor leisure/Village Hall/Church/Pub/Youth venue

3 Main Findings Significant issues
Countryside generally, specific concern regarding footpaths Housing, with 60% respondents current numbers or marginal increase Health services are satisfactory Traffic/Road safety, with all concerned about A4361 speeding, and feeling unsafe Broadband and mobile coverage and speeds The New Inn, roundly welcomed! Not overly bothered Crime etc, despite Police being invisible Flood and Drain risks Energy and recycling Shopping and Bulk Oil Transport links except for children Churches, Clubs etc

4 Importance to your household?
Countryside issues/litter/appearance of the parish Meeting places: Village hall/Church/Pub/Youth venue Traffic/Road safety/Parking Keeping people informed/Internet/Mobile phone coverage Housing Transport/Busses/Car schemes Refuse/Recycling/Energy saving initiatives Crime/Vandalism/Antisocial behaviour Public Spaces/Outdoor leisure/Sports/Allotments Shopping/Post/Bulk oil buying

5 Section A: Countryside Issues
Preserve Village Character Footpaths and Bridleways Wildlife and Habitats The bourne Trees and Hedgerows Conservation protection Nature Conservation Group: 26 wanted one, but only 13 wanted to help Fly tipping no problem, dog poo is Enhance Parish with flowers etc? Less than half respondents want this. Participate in work group: almost 2/3 would help. BB very pro. Street lighting? 2/3 thought sufficient, ¼ didn’t

6 Section B: Housing in the Parish
Increase from current 74 houses? More than % 10-15 houses 28% 5-9 houses 22% Stay about the same 38% What type of additional housing? Private 32% Shared ownership 29% Social 10% Sheltered 6% Retirement 6% Nursing homes Nil Change of use for existing 16%

7 Section C: Community Services/Emergency Services/Parish Council
Satisfied with Health Services? % Emergency Services? Called them out 31% of respondents Arrived within 15minutes 50% of call-outs Flooded by external water? 1 household Blocked public drains? 5 occasions Work of Parish Council? Good % Satisfactory 29% Unsatisfactory 7% Plus lots of interesting suggestions!

8 Section D: Energy/Recycling/Energy Saving
Recycling and Waste collections adequate? 62% said ‘yes’ 7% not frequent enough 7% more recycling options required Communal recycling bins? Only 25% wanted these Want Eco-Friendly group in village? Only 35% wanted this Less than 20% were willing to participate A few energy efficiency ideas were offered.

9 Section E: Crime/Vandalism/Anti-social behaviour
4 households have been victims of crime 9 reported experience of vandalism 6 of anti-social behaviour …..all in Winterbourne Monkton Only 17 respondents thought the Parish was adequately policed: most had never seen a police presence in the villages Despite this, only 1/3rd of respondents felt a need for a neighbourhood watch, and fewer wanted to participate.

10 Section F: Traffic/Road Safety/Parking
94% of respondents stated that speeding in the parish is a problem 72% thought that speeding was a problem anytime, 25% highlighted the morning (rush?), and 19% the evening 72% of respondents proposed remedies which were almost covered by the following questions 78% of respondents supported a reduction on the A4361 speed limit 78% also supported improvements to safety at the village road junctions Less than half respondents felt safe as a pedestrian, cyclist or horse rider 22 respondents felt that there was sufficient parking all or most of the time; 7 felt this insufficient apparently due to visiting friends and delivery drivers

11 Section G: Keeping people informed/Internet/Mobile phone coverage (1)
How do you hear about what is going on in the village? Word of mouth ‘Other’ Kennett News Notice Boards Parish Website How could communications be improved? Parish website Newsletter Welcome pack for newcomers Local Facebook Ideas box

12 Section G: Keeping people informed/Internet/Mobile phone coverage (2)
Do you use Broadband/Internet services ? 6 respondents apparently did not use them BT was the most common supplier with 18 entries PlusPlus 5; EE 3; AOL, TalkTalk, Sky 1 each Broadband speeds ranged from 70+ Mbs for a fortunate few, down to rock bottom, categorised as 1Mbs/v low/pigeon Cost/month was not fully reported, but ranged from £14 - £50 per month Surprisingly, 17 respondents out of 24 (46%) rated their service as adequate Satellite services, when respondents admitted to using them, were broadly split between SKY and BT 65 mobile phone devices were reported, with a variety of service providers. 88% of respondents reported coverage problems.

13 Section H: Shopping/Post Office/Bulk oil buying
24 respondents (65%) use Avebury PO, the majority occasionally Avebury shop 30 respondents use the shop 7 respondents currently volunteer Equal numbers of respondents are, and are not, interested in an oil bulk buying scheme, with 9 apparently wanting to help organise this

14 Section I: Transport/Buses/Link Service
Regular use of bus service? 11 regular users of bus services responded Reasons for non-use included too expensive, infrequent, going to the wrong places and at the wrong time Minimal use of Wiltshire Community Transport Scheme, although 1/3rd of respondents might be interested in using it. A few might be willing to train as drivers. Only 7 respondents had difficulty getting to medical appointments But 10 respondents would be prepared to assist with a voluntary car scheme.

15 Section J: Public spaces/Outdoor Leisure
Should extra outdoor space in the Parish be allocated? Only 13 respondents thought so. Should footpaths be better marked and maintained? thought so. Would you use an off-road cycle/equestrian route to Avebury? 19 thought so (probably a reflection of those using this mode)

16 Section K: Indoor Leisure/Village Hall/Church/Pub/Youth venue (1)
Additional indoor facilities/activities? Dance/Fitness Art club Youth club Adult education Music Churches 54% believe they should play a larger part in village life 51% believe they do meet the spiritual needs of the community, although many have ‘no opinion’

17 Section K: Indoor Leisure/Village Hall/Church/Pub/Youth venue (2)
Winterbourne Monkton Village Club 30% of respondents attend regularly, and 30% never attend 14 % attend occasionally 3 respondents from Berwick Bassett didn’t know about it The (new) New Inn 59% of respondents used to use the pub 70% will use it when re-opened

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