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Road to SACSCOC Reaffirmation

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Presentation on theme: "Road to SACSCOC Reaffirmation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Road to SACSCOC Reaffirmation
Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning

Principle of Integrity Compliance Certification 2.0 CR-15 Core requirements 3.0 CS-71 Comprehensive standards 4.0 FR-11 Federal Requirements Quality Enhancement Plan The Off-Site Review The On-Site Review Review by the Commission’s Board of Trustees Announcement/Reaffirmation letter

3 Timelines

4 Reaffirmation Working Group Updates
Draft narratives and evidence are in the review process Narratives are reviewed March, April and May (3 working groups/week for 5 weeks) Narrative revisions and collection of evidence is on-going (until August)

5 Important Dates May 24-25, 2016—SACSCOC VP Dr. John Hardt Advisory visit September 12, 2016—Compliance Certification due 4-6 weeks prior to on-site visit—QEP due; referral report due, if necessary March 28-30, 2017—SACSCOC on-site visit (Dr. Suzanne Ozment, chair)

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